/ Rate Steps in Campaign Builder Rate Steps in Campaign Builder

In the Campaign Builder, you can use Ratesteps to automatically apply specific discounted or surcharged rates for Ad Prices based on the volume. The Ratesteps object is connected to your Ad Price and the related list should be visible under the Ad Price record.

Pricing Dependent on Volume:

In the Ratestep record, you will define a range of volume where this price applies: for example, you will use the price of 15 euros if you sell from 6,000 to 10,000 units of the Ad Price AP-1090.

The rate calculation logic from Campaign Builder will be used, and if the Rate Calculation Quantity is specified, the sales price will be updated accordingly.

When the selected Ad Price does not have ratesteps, these fields will be hidden in the Campaign Builder.

The Ratesteps field will then look up the Sales Price according to your Rate Calculation Quantity and multiply the price by the sales price. The price is based on only one unit.


It does NOT auto-populate the Rate Calculation Quantity based on the "normal" quantity.


If you want to use Ratesteps, your administrator must include the "Rate Calculation Quantity" field in the Campaign Builder and populate it when configuring your campaign item.

Tab Rule for Visibility of Rate Calculation Quantity:

To display the Rate Calculation Quantity field only when applicable Ratesteps are available, an administrator can modify or create the logic via Tab Rules.



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