Campaign Item Surcharges, Discounts, Agency Earnings, and Commissions
How to Explore how Campaign Item Surcharges, Discounts, Agency Earnings, and Commissions affect the financial aspects of your media campaigns in ADvendio?
Discover Campaign Item Surcharges, Discounts, Agency Earnings, and Commissions functionality and impact to gain a deeper understanding of the net and gross values calculation process.
For a more detailed overview of net and gross values take a look at this page Amount Calculation and Discounts.
1. Surcharges
Each Campaign Item can add up to three surcharges to your list price:
Surcharge Sales Price/CPM Surcharge
Surcharge B3
Surcharge B2
You can use Surcharge Sales Price and Surcharge Sales Price % in combination. The same applies to B2 and B3 surcharges. In this case, the percentage will be calculated into the total amount first. Then the absolute value will be added.
2. Discounts
For each campaign item, you have the option to set up to four discounts (if enabled by your administrator):
Quantity Discount Custom
Customer Discount Custom
Agency Discount Custom
Special Discount
These discounts allow you to give different discounts for different media types or products or manually allow a rebate in kind. You can also automate setting these using 4.16 How to handle Commitments (Financial Agreements). All of these discounts are used to calculate the Net 1 (N1). Campaign Item Custom discounts overwrite the inherited value from the media campaign. Customer discounts and special discounts allow you to add a name/label to explain the type of discount.
Version 2.105 and up
You can choose how to input your discount values, either as an absolute amount or a percentage.
Absolute Discounts
Version 2.105 and up
Make sure to not mix up the fields with the automatically calculated abs values for your percentage.
3. Agency Earnings / Agency Commission
ADvendio offers you two fields for your Agency Earnings. The Agency Commission is a picklist field and the Agency Earnings is a percentage field.
AE will only be part of the calculation if the AC checkbox is set to TRUE
You can either use the picklist or the number field to enter an AE%, the number field always wins if both are filled
The Media Configuration automatically sets AC Checkbox, if the Media Campaign has an Agency
If you want to disable Agency commission/Agency Earnings entirely or partially throughout your business, there are a few ways to do so.
Set the Default Agency Earnings field in the administration setting to 0. This will ensure that all campaign items will not have any agency earnings/commission.
Set the checkbox on relevant/all ad prices/ad specs to No Agency earnings/No Agency commission. This will ensure that this specific ad price or ad spec will not have agency commission applied.
4. Third Party Commission
Each Campaign item allows you to enter a Third Party commission which can be different from the Media Campaigns Third Party Commission. Similar to the discounts the commission values also get inherited to all campaign line items but can be overwritten. Alternatively, the Third Party Commissions can be automatically set if you are using Commitments.
TPC will only be shown if the checkbox "show third party commissioning" on the Media Campaign is TRUE
TPC is always part of item calculation (Amount N3) even if the checkbox is false
TPC Amount
As of version 2.117, N3 used in this formula field is rounded to two decimal places
The TPC Amount field on Campaign Item is used for the Accounting Record Creation processes. This is a formula field which is N2 - N3.