4.17 Programmatic Guaranteed

4.17 Programmatic Guaranteed


Supported Ad Servers

Google Ad Manager


Do you plan to use Google Ad Manager (GAM) for Programmatic Direct campaigns and want to understand the difference between guaranteed and non-guaranteed programmatic campaigns?


For Programmatic Guaranteed campaigns you can negotiate a price and terms with the buyer to reserve the inventory exclusively for you. You can convert the proposal into a regular order within Google Ad Manager (GAM). In Preferred Deals (non-guaranteed), you can negotiate a price and terms for inventory that the buyer can choose to bid on. If the buyer decides not to secure the inventory, it becomes available for others to bid on in the open auction.


Working with Proposals (Google Ad Manager - GAM)

If you need to use Google Ad Manager (GAM) to push Programmatic Direct campaigns you can check below on how to do so. Find a description of the programmatic processes at 1.0 Persona, Processes, and Features.

Please note the following differentiation between guaranteed and non-guaranteed programmatic campaigns:

Guaranteed versus non-guaranteed programmatic campaigns

  • Programmatic Guaranteed: You and the buyer negotiate a price and terms for inventory that is reserved (guaranteed) for that buyer. Inventory is designated for only that buyer at that price. By converting the proposal this will be a regular order in Google Ad Manager (GAM). 

  • Preferred Deal (non-guaranteed): You and the buyer negotiate a price and terms for inventory that buyer can optionally bid upon. The buyer has an initial or "preferred" opportunity to secure the inventory at the negotiated price. However, if the buyer opts out of securing the inventory, the inventory becomes available on the open auction. For more information take a look at the flow charts 1.0 Persona, Processes, and Features. The transaction or campaign is considered "non-guaranteed" because buyers are not obligated to secure the inventory (buyers can opt not to bid) and because the inventory does not explicitly reserve for buyers (you can reserve it in a guaranteed campaign for another buyer).


From ADvendio you can now push Programmatic Guaranteed Campaign Items and also Preferred Deals items to Google Ad Manager (GAM). For the import of Delivery Data for Preferred Deals please take a look at Setup DoubleClick AdExchange. However, for Preferred Deals, only certain Finance-related features are supported - for more information, please contact your Technical Account Manager. 

1. Create a Proposal in ADvendio

Create a New Media Campaign. Fill in the Advertiser and/or Agency and make sure they have an External Account ID or an AdServer Advertiser ID (version 2.106 and lower) connected to the Account record.

1.1 Set Ad Server Order Type

Then select the Ad Server Order Type (if not in your layout - ask your admin to add this). To submit a Programmatic Guaranteed campaign choose the Ad Server Order Type: Proposal.

1.2 Set Buyer

In Version 2.108 and lower the buyer in Google Ad Manager (GAM) is set using the name of the Agency defined in the Media Campaign. The Name is compared with the buyers from Google Ad Manager (GAM) and will set the first buyer that matches.

If no Agency is set the Advertiser will be taken into account.

In Version 2.109 and higher you can add the additional field Programmatic Buyer to your Media Campaign layout and enter the account that will be set as a buyer in the proposal. To use this field you have to import your Buyer Accounts from GAM (GAM) ( Import Accounts) and connect your Accounts to the respective AdServer IDs by using How ADvendio matches your Salesforce Accounts with Advertisers, Agencies or Buyers in an external System?.

2. Add Campaign Items

Now you can proceed to either add Programmatic Guaranteed or Preferred Deal Campaign Items. Please note that for Google AdManager you can only either use Programmatic Guaranteed or Preferred Deal Items, so please decide accordingly. See more information about Preferred Deal Items see here: Google Ad Manager Submit of Proposal Preferred Deals

For Programmatic Guaranteed

You can now add your Campaign Items like you would do with a regular Google Ad Manager campaign. Please be aware that there are certain limitations and configurations required. Please ask your System Administrator if there are special Products prepared for use as Programmatic Guaranteed or view our article on how to configure products for Programmatic Guaranteed (Google). How to Configure Products for Programmatic Guaranteed Bookings in Google Ad Manager

In general, the following Rules apply:

  • Ad Type: Only Standard and Sponsorship Items are possible

  • Billing Category: either CPM (Standard) or CPD (Sponsorship)

  • Targeting: Display products need the Device Capability Targeting to exclude "Mobile Applications", while mobile products need to include "Mobile Applications".


Why is my Price different in Google and ADvendio?

You may have noticed that there is a difference between the Sales Price in ADvendio and the actual CPM rate that has been transferred to Google.

For example a 25,55€ CPM price might turn out the following:


This is due to a special rounding logic in Google, which prevents the actual cost of an item (price multiplied with no. of impressions) to have max. 2 decimals. When submitting items from ADvendio to Google Ad Manager, we always try to reach as close as possible to the Amount calculated in ADvendio, hence the differences in the rate in Google.

This happens especially when you are either using a price with many decimals or an uneven number of impressions (quantity). To avoid this, please check also if you can switch to using the AdServer Price field on Campaign Item instead of calculation based on Amount N2 or N3, see also Submit Prices to the AdServer for more information about this configuration.


3. Submit the Proposal

Now you can submit the Proposal to Google Ad Manager (GAM). This works like submitting a regular order: 4.8.1 How to submit Media Campaign and Campaign Items into external systems (AdServers, SSPs, Exchanges).

If you submit this Media Campaign to Google Ad Manager (GAM) the type will be matched:

  • You will find the Proposal in the AdServer under the Sales Tab > Proposals.

  • The field Seller Contacts will be filled with the value of the trafficker (person pushing the campaign).

  • The field Environment will be filled with the Marketplace Environment from the Ad Type (Google Ad Manager).

  • The field Goal Type in the Campaign Item and the AdType if not completed with any option will be sent as “none”

  • The field Creative source (if available on your AdServer) will be set to Advertiser provided or Publisher managed according to your selection in the field Creative source on the Campaign Items.


4. Work with Finalized Proposals (Accepted by the buyer)

Finalized proposals

After your proposal has been finalized in Google Ad Manager (accepted by the buyer) please do not submit changes for the runtime, quantity etc. from ADvendio to GAM as this is not possible in the GAM User Interface.

If you need to avoid this possibility please talk to your consultant about possible solutions.

Starting with Version 2.115, ADvendio will automatically update the status of your proposals in ADvendio and once they have been accepted and turned into an Order with Line Items, this information will be updated. Our scheduled delivery data job will fill the following fields in ADvendio:

Field in ADvendio

Information from Google

Field in ADvendio

Information from Google

Ad ID (Campaign Item)

the line item ID of the converted item

AdServer Order ID (Campaign Item)

the order ID of the line item

AdServer Deal ID (Campaign Item)

the deal ID, which lead to creation of the Order/Line Item

Once this is done, you can import Delivery Data and use this for Reporting, Invoicing or Publisher Payout.

To-Dos for your Administrator:

To use this feature, you will need to plan a Lifetime Delivery Report. Open the App Launcher → Delivery Report Settings. 

In the Section Lifetime Data Setting, choose the time and set the Checkbox: Update AdServer Status. This update will then run every day, at the configured times.

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