4.3.6 Frequency Capping

4.3.6 Frequency Capping


How to limit the number of times that a user will see my ad in a specified time period?


The standard Media Configuration offers a tab which allows you to add a frequency capping to your line item. Depending on what your administrator has configured, you either use the Standard or Multiple Frequency Capping.

Standard Frequency Capping

This feature limits the number of times your ads appear to the same "person". 

  • Frequency Quantity is the average number of times a unique user sees your ad over a given time period which is defined by the two fields: 

  • FC Ad Served every x 

  • FC Period.

Multiple Frequency Capping 

We also allow multiple frequency capping if your administrator has set up the Media Configuration accordingly. For further information on the setup please take a look here: How to set up the Frequency Capping tab?

From version 2.137 and up you can find our new Lightning component for the Multiple Frequency Capping:

You can use it by clicking the edit button below the Frequency Capping field:

It opens a new overlay window where you can enter the Frequency Capping Quantity and define the time period. Click the Add row button to add an additional line and click the bin to delete a line. 


The following frequency capping variations are allowed. Otherwise, you will receive an error message. 

FC Quantity / Impressions

FC AD Served every / Quantity

FC Period  / Unit

Other Restrictions

FC Quantity / Impressions

FC AD Served every / Quantity

FC Period  / Unit

Other Restrictions



1 (only value accepted)

  • hour

  • day

  • week

  • month

  • year**

  • lifetime

  • max 5 FC criteria

  • no duplicate FC periods values allowed

1 (only value accepted)


  • minute*

See below the table how minute and year are handled in ADvendio.



campaign, minutes, hours, days, weeks, months

max 3 FC criteria per placement/CI



stream, asset, site section




Hour, Minute, Day, Week, Month

max 5 FC criteria (one for each type)

Google Ad Manager



minutes, hours, days, weeks, months, pods & lifetime

max 10 FC criteria per Line Item / Campaign Item




Equativ (Smart)



minute, hour, day

only 1 FC criteria



Global, Visit




hour, day, week

hour - time has to be between 1 and 24

day - time has to be 1 and 28

week - time has to be between 1 and 4



lifetime, break, download







Additional Notes: Xandr

  1. * If Minute is being used, ADvendio will multiply FC Quantity by 60 and submit FC Period as an hour.

    1. If a minute is being used and ADvendio version is 2.150 and up, the Xandr recency setting will be used. Only 1 imp can be submitted as Quantity with Y minutes.

  2. ** If the year is being used, ADvendio will divide FC Quantity by 12 and submit FC Period as a month.

Frequency Capping on Documents

On Landscape PDFs you will be able to see the Frequency Capping below every invoice item.
If you need to translate "Frequency Capping:" and "per" please ask your administrator to translate the custom labels "FrequencyCapping" and "perString".
To translate the units, please ask your administrator to use the Translation Workbench in Setup. You will need to choose the option to translate picklist values of the field FC period from the object Campaign Item.
To show the units with correct singular and plural forms you could change the translation e.g. to 5 per 1 hour(s).

Additional Frequency Capping for Xandr

Xandr offers two more options than the known ones to determine a Frequency Capping:

  • Serve only 1 imp per page: If set, the number of creatives from a single advertiser to be shown on the current page load will be limited to 1.

  • Include users without cookies: If set, your ad will also be shown to Users without Cookies, but for those users the Frequency Capping settings will be ignored. This setting is only applicable, if you have further Frequency Capping criteria set, else it will be ignored by Xandr.

You can see the fields on your Campaign Item record page if your Administrator already added them to your layout.

If you would like to include these fields in your Media Configuration please ask your Administrator. For information about the customization of Media Configuration tabs, please take a look at this page: Tab Setup.

Your setup could look like this:

Setup How to set up the Frequency Capping tab?

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