Breaking Change: Version 2.131 Price Rules application to be done in a future call

Breaking Change: Version 2.131 Price Rules application to be done in a future call


2.131 and higher

What will change?

Starting with version 2.131 the Media Configuration save process will look a little bit different than before for customers with Price Rules in place. Upon saving you will receive a modal to let you know that price rules will be applied but not which ones.
This happens because we put the logic into a job that will be executed as a future job directly after saving the items. This logic will be activated by default for every customer.


If you would like to see the price rules that will be applied before saving (e.g. in order to check your budget) please have a look at the application before saving by hitting the button “Apply Price Rules”. If you can not see the button please ask your administrator if he could add it by editing the Administration Settings .


To test this feature you can check the information on the Campaign Item field Applied Price Rules. It contains the technical information about the applied price rules.

If there were some errors in the application of price rules your administrator can check them via Setup > Apex Jobs.


Why are we doing this?

We are doing this in order to make the Media Configuration more performant for you. By adding more and more features to the Media Configuration we still want to ensure a good user experience without long waiting times.

What do you have to do?

You will not need to do anything in order to make this feature work. It could be helpful to inform your users on this changed beahviour.


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