6.9 Custom Fiscal Periods
ADvendio supports custom fiscal periods and allows our customers to generate invoices based on these custom fiscal periods. Instead of following the traditional monthly revenue schedule, custom fiscal periods, for example, can be set to begin on the 5th day of one month and end on the 4th day of the next month. It allows greater flexibility and customization.
This feature should be enabled on your salesforce org and enabled on the ADvendio administration settings.
Custom fiscal periods currently support Invoicing, Accounting Records, Integrations, and Reporting.
Please note that custom fiscal periods are not currently supported for Broadsign and Freewheel integrations.
Enabling fiscal periods affects other features by either following the regular Gregorian calendar or displaying an error message.
Let us know what features you would like to see next to support custom fiscal periods by creating a feature request using our support portal.
Other related information:
2.1.7 Account Revenues/Turnover
7.1.6 Schedule Account Revenue Calculation
Supported Custom Fiscal Periods Reporting Types
The reporting types that currently support custom fiscal periods are as follows:
Regular Campaign Item Reporting Monthly Reports (Revenue Schedule) or Regular Monthly Delivery Reports: You can customize your Campaign Item reporting to align with custom fiscal periods, ensuring more accurate revenue tracking for your monthly reports.
Site-based Delivery Data (Delivery Data object): Custom fiscal periods enhance your reporting capabilities, enabling better insights into delivery data.
Enhanced Delivery Data: you can get more detailed reporting insights when using custom fiscal periods for Enhanced Delivery Data.
Media Buying Delivery Data Monthly (Buy Data): you can enhance your media buying reports with custom fiscal periods to align data with your financial calendar every month.
Enabling Custom Fiscal periods
To work with Custom Fiscal periods on ADvendio, your company calendar should be adjusted, this feature should be enabled in ADvendio Administration Settings as well and Fiscal periods should be created under your legal entity.
1. Fiscal Period / Year (Salesforce)
To start, please ensure your Company setup uses a Custom calendar year in Salesforce. Please note that the Custom Fiscal Year might be enabled only once.
2. Administration Settings
The final step when both Accounting periods on the Legal entity level and Custom Calendar on the Salesforce level are set is to enable this feature on ADvendio Administrative Settings. When this checkbox "Enabled Custom Fiscal Periods" is enabled Invoicing and Accounting record features will use a custom calendar.
3. Accounting periods (Legal entity)
As a next step please create your Accounting Periods for your Legal Entities accordingly. This is important to be able to use the Invoice fields Fiscal Start Date and Fiscal End Date and crucial to be able to use the Accounting Record feature.
Pre-invoices and Invoices will be issued using Custom Fiscal periods. To present for which period Invoice records are dedicated new field should be added to the invoice layout - fiscal start and fiscal end date. The fields Fiscal Start Date and Fiscal End Date on an Invoice record will be the deciding factors to which period the invoice belongs. During the pre-invoice generation the period is assigned based on the (planned) invoice date, while in the Billing Run, the assigned period can and will be overridden depending on the entered invoice date while using the Invoice Wizard. With the 2.169 release, we support invoicing that is both linearly distributed and based on delivery data.
Please note that currently there are the following limitations:
Payment interval “weekly” is not supported. You will see an error message when trying to invoice such a media campaign when fiscal periods are enabled in the administration settings
Revenue Schedule
With the 2.169 release, our revenue schedules are calculated based on fiscal periods. We've made updates to ensure that revenue schedules are consistently accurate, and align perfectly with the fiscal periods you set. The import of fiscal period delivery data supports all reporting types including Regular Delivery Reports Monthly, Buying Delivery Reports Monthly, Site-based Delivery Reports, and Enhanced Delivery Reports.
For Campaign Items being invoiced with a linear distribution, the revenue schedules are evenly spread across the same number of days. When invoicing is based on actual delivery data, the revenue reflects the actual delivery records. Additionally, site-based delivery data is accurately assigned to the corresponding revenue schedules.
Accounting Records
Since the Invoicing feature with Custom Fiscal Period enabled is only supported with linear distribution, digital campaign items will be working like non-digital items, which means that delivery data have no impact on the calculations done during the accounting record processes. Based on this implementation, the accounting record process “Distribution” will be distributing Accounting Records linearly.
For Fiscal periods we need to distribute revenue linearly instead of by delivered site.
In version 2.169, we have significantly enhanced the creation of accounting records. For detailed information, please refer to the detailed table.
Key Considerations:
The creation of accounting records for all Adspecs with a connection under the Adtype now requires delivery data or enhanced delivery data to be present on the campaign item.
As all accounting records were previously generated using linear distribution, it is strongly recommended to enable linear accounting distribution on the Adspec to ensure record accuracy.
This is particularly important for Adspecs where the Adtype has a connection.
Split functionality to take calendar into account (Media Configuration)
Customers using Fiscal periods can configure their campaign items based on these fiscal periods. They can split a Campaign item into months set by fiscal periods using Media Configuration split functionality.
The customer needs to access Media Basket and Start Media Configuration.
There will be split functionality and a new dialog window Split Campaign Item will pop up with Timeframe and in the drop-down menu:
Calendar weekly sharing
Calendar 2 weekly sharing
monthly breakdown
Quarterly breakdown
With the 2.169 release Custom fiscal periods support integration and reporting features, check for more here.