6.4 Cancellations & Credit Notes

6.4 Cancellations & Credit Notes


Cancellation Types

It is not uncommon that an item or Campaign may not go as planned and you may need to adjust or end certain Campaign Items. When doing so it is important to ensure that the correct amounts are invoiced and that invoicing, credit notes and cancellations are handled with as little overhead as possible.

Within ADvendio there are a number of tools to help with handling such situations depending on the needs of that particular situation.

As of version, 2.163 Old Cancellation Button is deprecated and cannot be used. Instead, New Invoice Cancellation Button has to be added to the layout.

Important note: Cancellation wizard should not be used. We highly recommend using the Optimization wizard (Optimizer) to cancel invoices and Campaign Items.

  • The Optimizer can be used to modify and change running Campaign Items with automated cancellation and creation of new items to match your needs, as well as automatic invoice cancellation and cancellation/credit note creation where needed

  • The End Campaign Item Function allows you to prematurely end an individual Campaign Item and issue outstanding invoices or credit notes based on delivery and invoiced amounts to date

With version 2.167 “Merge All Cancelation” type Invoice and invoice items can be canceled unless those are cancelation invoice items. So even when you try to cancel full Merge All Cancelation type invoice only invoice items that have no connected items as a reference (Cancelation items) will be canceled.

Credit Note Creation

The setting of the Invoice Date

Whether you cancel Invoices or Invoice Items through the Optimizer or individually, the Invoice Date will be set by the same logic:

  • until version 2.108: the Invoice Date will be set according to your payment settings on the Media Campaign. E.g. If you have a monthly payment interval with an end-of-the-interval due date, the Credit Note Invoice Date will be set to the end of the month in which you are cancelling.

  • Version 2.109 and up: the Invoice Date of the Credit Notes will always be set to the day you are cancelling.

Merging of Business Types

As of version 2.131, the harmonisation of business types when creating credit notes is handled as follows:

  • When creating a credit note where all cancelled Invoices have the same business type, this business type will be used regardless of the current Media Campaign Business Type 

  • when creating a credit note where all cancelled Invoices have different business types, the current business type of the Media Campaign will be used as a default

Invoice Item is merged into a Merge All Cancelation Pre-Invoice:

Below are the conditions when invoiced Pre-Invoices are issued with Merge All cancellation type used for Total invoicing

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