6.4.2 Cancel an individual invoice or invoice item

6.4.2 Cancel an individual invoice or invoice item

The old Cancel invoice feature will be fully discontinued by the end of 2024

Instead of canceling a media campaign or a campaign item within the Media campaign you also have the opportunity to cancel just one invoice or invoice item (Cancel invoice item in the Invoice from version, 2.163 and up):

As of version 2.163 instead of the Old Invoice Cancellation Button (deprecated) please use and add the New Invoice Cancellation Button to the layout.


What happens is that the

  1. status of the invoice is changed to Canceled when the full invoice is canceled

  2. a new Pre-Invoice is created with the negative amount for you to issue a credit note

  3. When invoice item cancelation is performed, it changes the status of the Invoice item to canceled

This Pre-Invoice still needs to be invoiced through the regular billing run. 

Invoice Item

All invoice items within the Invoice can be canceled, with the following exceptions:

  • With version 2.167 “Merge All Cancellation” type Invoice and invoice items can be canceled unless those are cancelation invoice items. So even when you try to cancel a full Merge All Cancelation type invoice only invoice items that have no connected items as a reference (Cancelation items) will be canceled.

  • Package component-related invoices do not have the functionality to cancel Invoice items unless further notice

  • Only valid invoice items will be displayed for cancellation, e.g no canceled invoice items will be displayed

Screenshot 2024-07-12 at 15.31.48.png

Click on Select Invoice Items and choose the item you need to cancel and then hit the Cancel Item Button. You will receive a success or error message. Then open the media campaign to view the newly created preinvoice for this one item


Screenshot 2024-07-12 at 15.39.37.png


Next, continue with the 6.2 Billing Run

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