7.2.14 Configure the Package Manager

7.2.14 Configure the Package Manager

The Package Manager is a convienient tool to create predefined 3.6 Packages. As the data structure is quite complex it helps the users to create inventory with ease. The tool consists of two Visual Force Pages: The overview and search pages and the edit page. The Administrator can modify the columns of the first overview page by creating and modifying the following feature setting by navigating to the App Manager and searching for Feature Settings. Create or modify the following record: 

Feature Name = "PackageManager"
FeatureSetting Name = "Selection Table Fields"
Template = No template
Value = "String with API Fieldnames separated by semicolon

The above example will lead to the following results with the two added columns of AdType and Targeting Group:

If this Feature Setting does not exist the following default values are used:

  1. Name

  2. ADvendio_Distributionc

  3. ADvendioPlacementr.Name

  4. ADvendioSite_c

  5. LastModifiedBy.Name

  6. LastModifiedDate