4.4.2 Flags

4.4.2 Flags

In ADvendio.com, the availability status of a campaign item is indicated by a colored flag. It is calculated by a formula that subtracts the planned availability from the booked quantity.

The Flag Colors

Each campaign item is assigned a flag under "Available".

  • The default color is orange: it indicates that availability has not been requested or is not relevant because of the billing category: CPD, CPW, CPMo, CPY, Fixed Price. The orange flag shows that the availability has not been checked yet or cannot be checked (as in the example above).
  • A green flag means the requested amount is available.
    • ADvendio__BookingQuantity__c - ADvendio__Availability__c <= 0
  • A red one, on the other hand, shows insufficient availability. Change the requested quantity and try again. Another option: Use the Net Calculator (button in the top section of your media campaign) to quickly adjust the quantity to the number shown in the table and then check again.
    • ADvendio__BookingQuantity__c - ADvendio__Availability__c <= 0