5.1.5 Report Folder Structure

5.1.5 Report Folder Structure

You can restrict report visibility by assigning the reports to a restricted folder. This lesson shows you how to either edit an existing folder and its visibility status. It also shows you how to create a new folder.


Report Folders

In order to change the accessability of reports you have two options: You can either create a new folder or edit an existing one. For the first option, go to the Reports tab (1) and click the New Folder button (2). To edit an existing folder, hover over the folder and click the arrow button which is then displayed(3).

Edit Existing Report Folder

When editing a report folder, you can set the folder access either to read only or read and edit (1). 
For folders accessible only to chosen users, search for the users' names, groups or roles. The corresponding values will then be displayed in the column Available for Sharing. Use the Add and Remove buttons to select users with whom you wish to share the folder (2).

Create New Report Folder

New Report Folders can be edited just like existing ones. In addition, you enter the report folder's label and add existing reports to the folder.

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