ADvendio Version 2.104 - Winter 2019

ADvendio Version 2.104 - Winter 2019

We are constantly extending ADvendio for you. To make sure you don’t miss any of the latest improvements and know what you have to do in order to make these features available for your whole team, we’ve created this page. Check the release notes regularly if you like to implement new features and to keep your system up to date.

Don't forget that you can sort the columns by clicking on the icon next to the table headers. Also please consider the upgrade tips.

Release Notes - Version 2.104 - Sprint 2018-09

To install ADvendio Winter 2019 please use
  • Installation link 2.104 for your production environment (org) or
  • Installation link 2.104 to update your sandbox 

Please ensure that you are not logged into a salesforce org where you don't wish to install ADvendio! We recommend that you either use an incognito window of your browser or use a different browser altogether to install new versions.

VersionTypeComponentDescriptionADvendio Ticket No.WikiHighlightRequested by customer
2.104Changes & OptimizationsAdServer GatewayVarious changes and optimizations.AD-4535

2.104ImprovementAdServer GatewayIn preparation for our new Adserver gateway, we have developed the separate import of Adserver ID's which allow you a much higher flexibility working with targeting.AD-3494

2.104ImprovementAdServer Gateway / AdswizzWhile the AdsWizz API has changed lately, we completed all the necessary changes required for you to use all AdsWizz functions as before.AD-4541

2.104Changes & OptimizationsAdServer Gateway / AOL One (ADTECH)Various changes and optimizations. 3.2.3 Predefined AdServer Targeting for Products: Connect Ad Specs via Ad Server IDsAD-4578x

2.104Changes & OptimizationsAdServer Gateway / DFP

Many of you are using labels to ensure a better Ad experience or to fulfill legal requirements. Since Googles API supports advertiser linked labels in its Forecast API we added this new functionality for you. ADvendio now checks for Exclusion Labels when using the Google Ad Manager Availability Forecast.

2.1.9 Competitive Advertiser Exclusions and Labels

2.104Changes & OptimizationsAdServer Gateway / DFPVarious changes and optimizations. [Error messages] Google Ad ManagerAD-4468x

2.104ImprovementAdServer Gateway / DFPVarious changes and optimizations.AD-4517

2.104Changes & OptimizationsAdServer Gateway / DFP, Delivery DataThe Enhanced Delivery Reports are now supporting multiple Google Ad Manager instances (Login records) in the same customer instance.AD-4420

2.104Changes & OptimizationsAdServer Gateway / FreeWheelVarious changes and optimizations.AD-4512

2.104ImprovementAdServer Gateway / FreeWheel

Do classify ads for reporting purposes or use FreeWheel's highly flexible prioritization model? The new field "Placement Type" makes this possible and can be transferred to FreeWheel starting with this new release. Placement Type (FreeWheel)

AD-4310, AD-4485x
2.104ImprovementAdServer Gateway / FreeWheel

You can now use FreeWheel's industries on your Campaign Items. This gives you the full power to secure your brands and a greater ad experience. Please take a look at the Wiki for further information: Industry (FreeWheel)

2.104ImprovementAdServer Gateway / FreeWheel

The FreeWheel adserver recognizes different stages which can be set on Insertion order level. This can now be achieved directly from ADvendio without the need to log into the adserver - please take a look at the following two articles:

4.8.5 How to update the status of my Insertions Orders / Campaigns in the AdServer/SSP and approve Orders in Google AdManager?

FreeWheel Description and Import Types

2.104ImprovementAdServer Gateway / FreeWheel

Linking AdUnits in FreeWheel allow storytelling with your ads by putting them in a specific order. The Wiki explains how easy it is to use this feature within ADvendio: Linking Ad Units for FreeWheel

2.104ImprovementAdServer Gateway / FreeWheel, Knowledge Base

We improved the documentation for FreeWheel Delivery Reports for you. Please take a look at: 

4.2.4 Campaign Item Buttons and Functions


2.104ImprovementAdServer Gateway, Media Configuration

Give your Sales team the full flexibility where to place an ad. You can now configure any adspec to be customized on the fly while selling to your customers using the Media Configuration. The new feature  " Inventory Targeting" can now be adjusted directly in the Campaign Item. Take a look at how to use and set up the brand new Inventory Targeting widget. Inventory Targeting

2.104ImprovementAdSpecs, AdType,Campaign Item, Media Configuration

We implemented new record types for AdTypes to represent TV and Radio. This allows you to manage your CrossMedia much products better than before. See further information​ here​:

3.1.5 Ad Type 

4.2.4 Campaign Item Buttons and Functions

AD-4514, AD-4273xxx
2.104New FeatureCampaign Item Related List Custom, Lightning Experience

We developed a new Lightning Component for you: The enhanced Campaign Item Related List. It offers you more flexibility and transparency with the handling of your Campaign Items.

Read here how it works and how to configure it: 8.5.3 Enable the Lightning Component: Campaign Item Related List.

2.104Changes & OptimizationsCommercial Optimizer, FinanceWe improved the Optimizer cancellation process to make it more comfortable for you.AD-4527

2.104ImprovementCommitment, Publisher Payout

The handling of Third Party Commission - Commitments has gotten more flexible! We are constantly improving this feature for you. The ADvendio wiki explains the newest advancement: 

4.14.1 Third-Party / Intermediary Commission Revision

8.7 Install Third Party / Intermediary Commission Revision

2.104Changes & OptimizationsFinanceVarious changes and optimizations.AD-4510, AD-4544

2.104Changes & OptimizationsFMA / Feature Configuration, Settings

We are constantly improving our knowledge base. Please take a look at these enhanced articles: 

7.1.3 Manage Users and Licenses

2.3 Automate Feature Updates

AD-4483, AD-2794, AD-4411xxx
2.104Changes & OptimizationsPDFVarious changes and optimizations.AD-4539

2.104Changes & OptimizationsPublisher PayoutThe error handling for the Publisher Payout Feature has been optimized. AD-4532

2.104ImprovementSecuritySuccessfully ran the security review for Release Version 2.104. With every release the ADvendio team is working with great effort to improve system and data security. We invested many hours to ensure that ADvendio is save in any kind of security aspect.AD-4198
2.104Changes & OptimizationsThird Party / Intermediary CommissioningVarious changes and optimizations.AD-4505


To install ADvendio Summer 2018 - 2.104.1 please use

  • Installation link 2.104.1 for your production environment (org) or
  • Installation link 2.104.1 to update your sandbox.  


Due to some technical difficulties, please ensure that you first install the major version 2.104, before installing any patch versions. If you want to use the fixes we did for the AdServer Gateway in our 2.104 patches, please contact your Technical Account Manager or support@advendio.com for further support in enabling these changes in your Org.

Please ensure that you are not logged into a salesforce org where you don't wish to install ADvendio! We recommend that you either use anincognitowindow of your browser or use a different browser altogether to install new versions.





ADvendio Ticket No.



2.104.1Changes & OptimizationsAdserver Gateway

Fixed problems with the ending time of line items, ending on the day of a time switch.


2.104.1Changes & Optimizations



Fixed problems with the Sales Price Surcharge Calculation in Individual PackagesAD-4544

2.104.1Changes & OptimizationsPDFFixed display of Day / Time Targeting on PDF documentsAD-4539

To install ADvendio Summer 2018 - 2.104.2 please use

  • Installation link 2.104.2 for your production environment (org) or
  • Installation link 2.104.2 to update your sandbox.  


Due to some technical difficulties, please ensure that you first install the major version 2.104, before installing any patch versions. If you want to use the fixes we did for the AdServer Gateway in our 2.104 patches, please contact your Technical Account Manager or support@advendio.com for further support.

Please ensure that you are not logged into a salesforce org where you don't wish to install ADvendio! We recommend that you either use anincognitowindow of your browser or use a different browser altogether to install new versions.





ADvendio Ticket No.



2.104.2Changes & OptimizationsAdserver Gateway / GAM

Improved error handling in AdServer Gateway for Google Ad Manager


2.104.2Changes & Optimizations

Media Campaign

Various Changes for some Media Campaign Rollup Fields regarding PackagesAD-4657

2.104.2Changes & OptimizationsAdServer GatewayFixed several problems with the import of Adserver IDs, Keys and ValuesAD-4655

2.104.2Changes & OptimizationsAdserver Gateway / GAMFixed Limit problems when running a high number of Forecasts simultaneously.AD-4659

To install ADvendio Summer 2018 - 2.104.3 please use

  • Installation link 2.104.3 for your production environment (org) or
  • Installation link 2.104.3 to update your sandbox.  


Due to some technical difficulties, please ensure that you first install the major version 2.104, before installing any patch versions. If you want to use the fixes we did for the AdServer Gateway in our 2.104 patches, please contact your Technical Account Manager or support@advendio.com for further support.

Please ensure that you are not logged into a salesforce org where you don't wish to install ADvendio! We recommend that you either use anincognitowindow of your browser or use a different browser altogether to install new versions.





ADvendio Ticket No.



2.104.3Changes & OptimizationsCampaign ItemVarious changes and optimizations regarding Workflow RulesAD-4666

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