/ Edit the Campaign Item Names Edit the Campaign Item Names

Sometimes, when you are selling many of the same products you would like to edit the predefined Campaign Item names while working in the Media Configuration for better orientation. This can be easily done by your administrator by adding the Campaign Item Name to the Tab Setup


  • Version 2.110 and lower: The Campaign Item name is NOT used on the PDF documents. Your order or quotes pdfs will still adhere to the Site - Placement - AdType structure or alternatively use the AdSpecs external name. 

  • Version 2.111 and up: The Campaign Item Name can be displayed on the PDF documents if the Checkbox "Use Item Name on PDF" is set to true: 4.2.10 PDF Settings

  • that if you are pushing to an AdServer many systems require the names to be unique, so have your admin generate a unique technicial adserver name. That makes you free to name the item to your liking.

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