Change Log for Version 2.90 - 2.93

Change Log for Version 2.90 - 2.93

For Objects, Fields, Record Types and Picklist Values 

This table contains all new and deprecated objects and fields as well as new, changed or removed record types and picklist values. The table is sorted by version, but you can click on each column to change the sorting.

ObjectField NameLabel


DescriptionHelp TextPicklist Valuesnew in Versionwiki link deprecated in Version
AccountingRule__CDeferralAccountDeferral AccountRecord TypeAccounting Rule for the deferral account


AccountingRule__CRevenueAccountRevenue AccountRecord TypeAccounting Rule for the revenue account


AccountingRule__CInternalOrderWBS__cInternal Order / WBS (Deprecated)Text (30)This Field is Deprecated and no longer in use.This Field is Deprecated and no longer in use.

AccountingRule__CReferenceMapping__cReference MappingText (255)Please enter the field name which should be used for Accounting Rule.Please enter the field name which should be used for Accounting Rule.

Ad_Specs__cDeliveryDataBasedRevenueDistribution__cDelivery Data Based Revenue DistributionCheckboxThis check box shows if revenue distribution for this Ad Spec requires delivery data.This check box shows if revenue distribution for this Ad Spec requires delivery data.

Ad_Specs__cExcludeFromPublisherPayout__cExclude From Publisher PayoutCheckboxWith this checkbox you can define that this Product will be ignored from our Publisher Payout feature. Means it will be excluded by counting for a publisher Payout contract und their revenues will be not respected/included into any kind of Publisher payout Credit notes.With this checkbox you can define that this Product will be ignored from our Publisher Payout feature. Means it will be excluded by counting for a publisher Payout contract und their revenues will be not respected/included into any kind of Publisher payout Credit notes.

Ad_Type__cFreewheelFreewheelRecord TypeThis record type should be used to store data for Ad server FreeWheel.This record type should be used to store data for Ad server FreeWheel.

Campaign_Item__cInvoiceAtEndOfRuntime__cInvoice at end of runtime
This Campaign Item will be invoiced separately at the end of it's runtime.This Campaign Item will be invoiced separately at the end of it's runtime.

Campaign_Item__cTotalDiscountAbs__cTotal Discount (abs.)Formula


Campaign_Item__cDeliveryRateType__cDelivery Rate TypePicklist

New Values:
  • Daily Impression
  • Low

Commitment__cDescription__cDescriptionLongTextArea(32768)Enter a general Description, which will be displayed on the Commitment PDF.Enter a general Description, which will be displayed on the Commitment PDF.

Commitment__cDocumentLanguage__cDocument LanguagePicklistLanguage to use for the generated Commitment PDF. If left empty your current language will be used.Language to use for the generated Commitment PDF. If left empty your current language will be used.

Global Value Set:

Language Code


Commitment__cDocumentLocale__cDocument LocalePicklistLocale to use for the generated Commitment PDF. If left empty your current language will be used.Locale to use for the generated Commitment PDF. If left empty your current language will be used.

Global Value Set:

Language Code


CommitmentCondition__cDescription__cDescriptionLongTextArea(1000)Enter a Description, which will be displayed  underneath this condition on the Commitment PDF.Enter a Description, which will be displayed  underneath this condition on the Commitment PDF.

CommitmentTextBlockAssignment__cCommitment__cCommitmentMaster-DetailSelect a Commitment.Select a Commitment.

CommitmentTextBlockAssignment__cSortOrder__cSort OrderNumber(18,0)The order in which text blocks will be shown on the PDF document. Starting from the smallest number. Use this to override the default sort order defined at the text block.The order in which text blocks will be shown on the PDF document. Starting from the smallest number. 

CommitmentTextBlockAssignment__cTextBlock__cText BlockMaster-DetailSelect a text block.Select a text block.

DeferredItem__cAccountingRule__cAccounting RuleLookup


DeferredItem__cIsDeferralOfRevenueClosed__cIs Deferral Of Revenue ClosedFormula


FlexiblePaymentPlan__cCreationType__cCreation TypePicklistShows if this feature was created manually or as part of a automated function. This field will be filled automatically by the system and is only relevant for the automatic creation of Flexible Payment Plans.Shows if this feature was created manually or as part of a automated function. This field will be filled automatically by the system and is only relevant for the automatic creation of Flexible Payment Plans.
  • Created manually
  • Invoice at Publication Date
  • Invoice at end of runtime

InvoiceItem__cTotalDiscountAbs__cTotal Discount (abs.)Formula


InvoiceItem__cTpcCampaignItem__cTPC Campaign ItemLookup


InvoicePreference__cShowOnlyCoverLetter__cShow Only Cover LetterCheckbox


ShowTotalDiscountOnly__cShow Total Discount OnlyCheckboxSet this checkbox to view only the sum of all discounts per Campaign Item and hide all detailed columns.Set this checkbox to view only the sum of all discounts per Campaign Item and hide all detailed columns.

Invoice__cHideComponentsOfAdhocPackagesOnPdf__cHide components of adhoc packages on PDFCheckboxIf checked components of a adhoc package will be hidden on PDF documents and only the name and summarized amounts will be shown.If checked components of a adhoc package will be hidden on PDF documents and only the name and summarized amounts will be shown.

Invoice__cTotalDiscountAbs__cTotal Discount Abs.Formula


MediaCampaign__cBriefing__cBriefingLookupShows which briefing led to the creation of the Media Campaign.Shows which briefing led to the creation of the Media Campaign.

MediaCampaign__cHideComponentsOfAdhocPackagesOnPdf__cHide components of adhoc packages on PDFCheckboxIf checked components of a adhoc package will be hidden on PDF documents and only the name and summarized amounts will be shown.If checked components of a adhoc package will be hidden on PDF documents and only the name and summarized amounts will be shown.

MediaCampaign__cTotalDiscountAbs__cTotal Discount AbsFormula


PublicationDate__cDescription__cDescriptionLongTextArea(32768)Enter a description for this Publication Date.Enter a description for this Publication Date.

PublicationDate__cTargetGroup__cTarget GroupPicklistPlease select for which target group is this AdSpec relevantPlease select for which target group is this AdSpec relevant

Global Value Set:

Target Group


Quote_Preference__cShowOnlyCoverLetter__cShow Only Cover LetterCheckbox


Quote_Preference__cShowTotalDiscountOnly__cShow Total Discount OnlyCheckboxSet this checkbox to view only the sum of all discounts per Campaign Item and hide all detailed columns.Set this checkbox to view only the sum of all discounts per Campaign Item and hide all detailed columns.

Textblock__cLanguage__cLanguagePicklistSelect the language of this text block. It will only be displayed on documents of the same language.Select the language of this text block. It will only be displayed on documents of the same language.

New Values:

  • German (API-Name: DE)
  • English (API-Name: EN)
  • French (API-Name: FR)
  • Spanish (API-Name: ES)
  • Italian (API-Name: It)

Adserver_Login__cDescription__cDescriptionLong Text AreaPlease enter a additional text to describe this login record.Please enter a additional text to describe this login record.

AccountingRecord__cTypeOfReceipt__cType of ReceiptPicklistType of Receipt will be automatically filled by a scheduled import job.Type of Receipt will be automatically filled by a scheduled import job.

New Value:

  • Credit Note Cancellation (API Name: CreditNoteCancellation)

Campaign_Item__cRateDiscount1Abs__cQuantity Discount Abs.Currency (16.2)Shows the absolute amount of the Quantity Discount. Will be calculated automatically by the system.Shows the absolute amount of the Quantity Discount. Will be calculated automatically by the system.

Campaign_Item__cRateDiscount2Abs__cCustomer Discount Abs.Currency (16.2)Shows the absolute amount of the Customer Discount. Will be calculated automatically by the system.Shows the absolute amount of the Customer Discount. Will be calculated automatically by the system.

Campaign_Item__cRateDiscount3Abs__cAgency Discount Abs.Currency (16.2)Shows the absolute amount of the Agency Discount. Will be calculated automatically by the system.Shows the absolute amount of the Agency Discount. Will be calculated automatically by the system.

Campaign_Item__cRateDiscount4Abs__cSpecial Discount Abs.Currency (16.2)Shows the absolute amount of the Special Discount. Will be calculated automatically by the system.Shows the absolute amount of the Special Discount. Will be calculated automatically by the system.

Campaign_Item__cSumOfTaxes__cSum Of Taxes (Deprecated)FormulaThis Field is deprecated.This Field is deprecated.

Campaign_Item__cTax__cTax (Deprecated)Percent (3.2)This Field is deprecated.This Field is deprecated.

Campaign_Item__cThirdPartyCommissionAbs__cThird Party Commission Abs.Currency (16.2)Shows the absolute amount of the Third Party Commission. Will be calculated automatically by the system.Shows the absolute amount of the Third Party Commission. Will be calculated automatically by the system.

InvoiceItem__cRateDiscount1Abs__cQuantity Discount Abs.Currency (16.2)Shows the absolute amount of the Quantity Discount. Will be calculated automatically by the system.Shows the absolute amount of the Quantity Discount. Will be calculated automatically by the system.

InvoiceItem__cRateDiscount2Abs__cCustomer Discount Abs.Currency (16.2)Shows the absolute amount of the Customer Discount. Will be calculated automatically by the systemShows the absolute amount of the Customer Discount. Will be calculated automatically by the system

InvoiceItem__cRateDiscount3Abs__cAgency Discount Abs.Currency (16.2)Shows the absolute amount of the Agency Discount. Will be calculated automatically by the system.Shows the absolute amount of the Agency Discount. Will be calculated automatically by the system.

InvoiceItem__cRateDiscount4Abs__cSpecial Discount Abs.Currency (16.2)Shows the absolute amount of the Special Discount. Will be calculated automatically by the system.Shows the absolute amount of the Special Discount. Will be calculated automatically by the system.

Invoice__cInvoicedAmountGrossN2__cInvoiced Amount Gross (N2)FormulaThis Field is deprecated.This Field is deprecated.

Invoice__cInvoicedAmountGrossVATRate1__cInvoiced Amount gross normalNumber (16.2)This Field is deprecated.This Field is deprecated.

Invoice__cInvoicedAmountGrossVATRate2__cInvoiced Amount Gross (reduced)Number (16.2)This Field is deprecated.This Field is deprecated.

Invoice__cInvoicedAmountGross__cInvoiced Amount GrossNumber (16.2)This Field is deprecated.This Field is deprecated.

Invoice__cRateDiscount1Abs__cQuantity Discount Abs.Currency (16.2)Shows the absolute amount of the Quantity Discount. Will be calculated automatically by the system.Shows the absolute amount of the Quantity Discount. Will be calculated automatically by the system.

Invoice__cRateDiscount2Abs__cCustomer Discount Abs.Currency (16.2)Shows the absolute amount of the Customer Discount. Will be calculated automatically by the system.Shows the absolute amount of the Customer Discount. Will be calculated automatically by the system.

Invoice__cRateDiscount3Abs__cAgency Discount Abs.Currency (16.2)Shows the absolute amount of the Agency Discount. Will be calculated automatically by the system.Shows the absolute amount of the Agency Discount. Will be calculated automatically by the system.

Invoice__cRateDiscount4Abs__cSpecial Discount Abs.Currency (16.2)Shows the absolute amount of the Special Discount. Will be calculated automatically by the system.Shows the absolute amount of the Special Discount. Will be calculated automatically by the system.

Invoice__cThirdPartyCommissionAbs__cThird Party Commission Abs.Currency (16.2)Shows the absolute amount of the Third Party Commission. Will be calculated automatically by the system.Shows the absolute amount of the Third Party Commission. Will be calculated automatically by the system.

Invoice__cTotalAmountDue__cTotal Amount DueCurrency (16.2)This Field is deprecated.This Field is deprecated.


Ad_Type__cAdtypeAdtypePicklistChoose the ad type that is required for this advertising format.Choose the ad type that is required for this advertising format.

New Value:


2.92[Configure Ad Type Formats] for Xandr products
AdServer_Logins__cFREEWHEELFreeWheelRecord TypeThis record type should be used to store login data for Ad server FreeWheelThis record type should be used to store login data for Ad server FreeWheel

AdServer_ID__cFREEWHEELFreeWheelRecord TypeThis record type should be used to store IDs of AdServer FreeWheel


Campaign_Item__cNonMediaNon-MediaCheckboxMarks this Campaign Item as Non-Media. Non-Media Items include, for example, production cost and will be displayed separately on PDF documents.Marks this Campaign Item as Non-Media. Non-Media Items include, for example, production cost and will be displayed separately on PDF documents.

Campaign_Item__cScaledAgencyDiscountConditionScaled Agency Discount ConditionLookupWhen a Campaign Item gets an agency discount from a commitment, the relevant commitment condition is saved in this field.The Campaign Item got a agency discount because of this commitment condition.

Campaign_Item__cTPCConditionThird Party Commission ConditionLookupWhen a Campaign Item gets a third party commission from a commitment, the relevant commitment condition is saved in this field.The Campaign Item got a third party commission because of this commitment condition.

CommitmentCondition__cRevenueGoalRevenue GoalCurrencySet a revenue goal for your third party commission condition. This will be compared with the revenue of all matching Campaign Items and the result will be shown in the degree of fulfillment formula.Set a revenue goal for your third party commission condition. This will be compared with the revenue of all matching Campaign Items and the result will be shown in the degree of fulfillment formula.

CommitmentCondition__cTPCThird Party CommissionPercentThird Party Commission (within specified revenue range or media classification).Third Party Commission (within specified revenue range or media classification).

CommitmentCondition__cThirdPartyCommissionThird Party CommissionRecord TypePlease select if you like to use third party commission discount.


DeliveryData__cVideoMetricManualVideo Metric (manual)NumberThis field can be used to manually override the delivered Video Metrics.This field can be used to manually override the delivered Video Metrics.

DeliveryData__cVideoMetricVideo MetricNumberThis value will be filled automatically by a script. It displays the delivered video metrics (e.g. completed views for CPCV products at DFP)This value will be filled automatically by a script. It displays the delivered video metrics (e.g. completed views for CPCV products at DFP)

ExternalAccountID__cTransactionTypeTransaction TypePicklistDefine if this a creditor or debtor transaction. Will be used for the export into third party finance systems with our Standard Accounting Interface.Define if this a creditor or debtor transaction. Will be used for the export into third party finance systems with our Standard Accounting Interface.

Ad_Specs__cNonMediaNon-MediaCheckboxMarks this Campaign Item as Non-Media. Non-Media Items include, for example, production cost and will be displayed separately on PDF documents.Marks this Campaign Item as Non-Media. Non-Media Items include, for example, production cost and will be displayed separately on PDF documents.

InvoiceItem__cNonMediaNon-MediaCheckboxMarks this Campaign Item as Non-Media. Non-Media Items include, for example, production cost and will be displayed separately on PDF documents.Marks this Campaign Item as Non-Media. Non-Media Items include, for example, production cost and will be displayed separately on PDF documents.

InvoiceItem__cPublisherPayoutDonePublisher Payout Done (deprecated)CheckboxThis Field is deprecated and no longer in use.This Field is deprecated and no longer in use.

Mapping_BA__cNonMediaNon-MediaText (255)--

MediaCampaign__cNonMediaAmountNon-Media AmountCurrency(16,2)Sums up the amount of all Non-Media Items from this campaign.Sums up the amount of all Non-Media Items from this campaign.

MediaCampaign__cAdserverStatusAdserver StatusPicklistThis status will be submitted to the AdServer which will then set the media campaign and all its related line items to active or inactive.Please ensure that this value is set to the correct status when using the Adserver Gateway.

New Values:

  • active
  • inactive
2.927.7.1.5 Setup Xandr SSP and AdServer Connection
MediaCampaign__cTransactionTypeTransaction TypePicklistDefine if this a creditor or debtor transaction. Will be used for the export into third party finance systems with our Standard Accounting InterfaceDefine if this a creditor or debtor transaction. Will be used for the export into third party finance systems with our Standard Accounting InterfaceGlobal Value Set: Transaction Type2.92

PublisherPayoutCondition__cBusinessTypeBusiness TypePicklistSelect the Business Type a Media Campaign needs in order for the Campaign Items to match with this publisher payout condition.Select the Business Type a Media Campaign needs in order for the Campaign Items to match with this publisher payout condition.Global Value Set: Business Type2.92

PublisherPayoutCondition__cBaseAmountBase AmountPercentPlease enter the Value for this condition to use a reduced Amount from a invoice Item to collect.Please enter the Value for this condition to use a reduced Amount from a invoice Item to collect.

Revenue_Schedule__cDeliveredQuantityDelivered QuantityNumberCalculates the effective delivered quantity based on the billing category.Calculates the effective delivered quantity based on the billing category.

RevenueScheduleDaily__cDeliveredQuantityDelivered QuantityNumberCalculates the effective delivered quantity based on the billing category.Calculates the effective delivered quantity based on the billing category.

RevenueScheduleDaily__cVideoMetricManualVideo Metric (manual)NumberThis field can be used to manually override the delivered Video Metrics.This field can be used to manually override the delivered Video Metrics.

RevenueScheduleDaily__cVideoMetricVideo MetricNumberThis value will be filled automatically by a script. It displays the delivered video metrics (e.g. completed views for CPCV products at DFP)This value will be filled automatically by a script. It displays the delivered video metrics (e.g. completed views for CPCV products at DFP)

AccountingRecord__cConnectedInvoiceItemInvoice ItemLookupShows which Invoice Item this Accounting Record belongs to.Shows which Invoice Item this Accounting Record belongs to.

AccountingRecord__cPaymentDueDatePayment Due DateDateShows the date, to which the payment is due.Shows the date, to which the payment is due.

AccountingRecord__cTransactionTypeTransaction TypePicklistDefine if this a creditor or debtor transaction. Will be used for the export into third party finance systems with our Standard Accounting InterfaceDefine if this a creditor or debtor transaction. Will be used for the export into third party finance systems with our Standard Accounting InterfaceGlobal Value Set: Transaction Type2.92

Invoice__cNonMediaAmountNon-Media AmountRollupSums up the amount of all Non-Media Items from this invoice.Sums up the amount of all Non-Media Items from this invoice.

Invoice__cStartDateStart DateDateDisplays the earliest Invoice Item StartDate.Displays the earliest Invoice Item StartDate.

Invoice__cEndDateEnd DateDateDisplays the latest Invoice Item EndDate.Displays the latest Invoice Item EndDate.

Invoice__cTransactionTypeTransaction TypePicklistDefine if this a creditor or debtor transaction. Will be used for the export into third party finance systems with our Standard Accounting InterfaceDefine if this a creditor or debtor transaction. Will be used for the export into third party finance systems with our Standard Accounting Interface

AccountingRule__cInvoiceInvoiceRecord TypeAccounting Rule for the invoice distribution to an external accounting system.


AccountingRule__cRevenueDistributionRevenue DistributionRecord TypeAccounting Rule for the revenue distribution to an external accounting system


AccountingRecord__cAccountingRule__cAccounting RuleLookupShows the accounting rule, which led to the creation of the accounting record.Shows the accounting rule, which led to the creation of the accounting record.

AccountingRecord__cCampaignItemAccountPayableAssignment__cCI AccountPayable AssignmentLookupDeprecated please do not use anymore.Deprecated please do not use anymore.

AccountingRecord__cDeferredItem__cDeferred ItemLookupShows the deferred item related to this accounting record.Shows the deferred item related to this accounting record.

AccountingRecord__cRatio__cRatioNumber(1, 17)Deprecated please do not use anymore.Deprecated please do not use anymore.

AccountingRule__cDescription__cDescriptionLong Text AreaAdd a description text for this Accounting Rule. This will have no influence on the Accounting Records created.Add a description text for this Accounting Rule. This will have no influence on the Accounting Records created.

AccountingRule__cTpcAccount__cTPC AccountLookupConfigure here if the third party rule is only applicable for a specific intermediary account. If empty TPC Accounting Records will be created for campaign items linked to any intermediary.Configure here if the third party rule is only applicable for a specific intermediary account. If empty TPC Accounting Records will be created for campaign items linked to any intermediary.

AdServer_ID__cCategory__cCategoryPicklistShows which category the AdServer ID belongs to (Inventory, Key Values, Targeting Criteria). This is automatically filled when transferring Ids from the AdServer.Shows which category the AdServer ID belongs to (Inventory, Key Values, Targeting Criteria). This is automatically filled when transferring Ids from the AdServer.

New Values:

  • Order

AdServer_ID__cType__cTypePicklistChoose which type of ad server ID is concerned.Choose which type of ad server ID is concerned.

New Values:

  • Inventory Attribute
  • Isp
  • Language
  • Media Subtype
  • Media Type
  • Mobile App
  • MSA Region
  • Operating System Family
  • Publisher
  • Tag
  • Technical Attribute
  • ThirdPartyAdTagType

AdServer_ID__cADSWIZZADSWIZZRecord TypeThis record type should be used to store IDs of AdServer ADSWIZZ


AdServer_Login__cADSWIZZADSWIZZRecord TypeThis record type should be used to store login data for Ad server AdsWizz


CommitmentCondition__cAdPrice__cAd PriceLookup


CommitmentCondition__cAdSpec__cAd SpecLookup


CommitmentCondition__cAdType__cAd TypeLookup






Deferred ItemObjectHelps to store the deferred revenue for campaign items, which have been paid in advance.Helps to store the deferred revenue for campaign items, which have been paid in advance.

DeferredItem__cDateAccounting__cDate (Accounting)DateThe accounting date of this deferred item.The accounting date of this deferred item.

DeferredItem__cInvoiceEndDate__cInvoice End DateDate


DeferredItem__cInvoiceItemAmount__cInvoice Item AmountCurrency (18,2)Stores the total amount of the invoice item relevant for the deferral.Stores the total amount of the invoice item relevant for the deferral.

DeferredItem__cInvoiceItem__cInvoice ItemLookup


DeferredItem__cInvoiceStartDate__cInvoice Start DateDate


DeferredItem__cRevenueLeftToBeDeferred__cRevenue left to be deferredCurrency (18,2)Calculates how much revenue still needs to be deferred after subtracting the revenue of this deferred item with the invoice item amount.Calculates how much revenue still needs to be deferred after subtracting the revenue of this deferred item with the invoice item amount.

DeferredItem__cRevenueToBeDeferred__cRevenue to be deferredCurrency (18,2)


DeferredItem__cStatus__cStatusPicklistShows the current status of this deferred item.Shows the current status of this deferred item.
  • Created
  • Resolved
  • Canceled

DeferredItem__cUniqueKey__cUnique KeyText(255)The unique key is used to store an unique ID for this record and prevent duplicate data.The unique key is used to store an unique ID for this record and prevent duplicate data.

Invoice__cQuoteLanguage__cQuote LanguagePicklistLanguage to use for generated quote.Language to use for generated quote.

New Values:

  • English (API name: en)
  • German (API name: de)
  • Spanish (API name: es)

MediaCampaign__cBudget__cBudgetCurrency (18,2)Represent the value for the Budget given by the Advertiser/Agency. ADvendio shows you the sum of all Campaign Items of a Media Campaign and the Delta to the Budget in our Media Configuration. Please set the necessary Amount field in a Custom Setting to calculate the budget against the right value.Represent the value for the Budget given by the Advertiser/Agency. ADvendio shows you the sum of all Campaign Items of a Media Campaign and the Delta to the Budget in our Media Configuration. 

MediaCampaign__cQuote_Language__cQuote LanguagePicklistLanguage to use for generated quote.Language to use for generated quote.

New Values:

  • English (API name: en)
  • German (API name: de)
  • Spanish (API name: es)

PublicSettings__cBudgetAmountFieldApiName__cBudget Amount Field API NameText(255)API name of the field which is subtracted from the budget.API name of the field which is subtracted from the budget.

AccountTermsOfPayment__cTerms of PaymentLookupPlease select the Payment Terms for this Account. These will be mapped automatically when creating a new Media Campaigns where this Account is selected as a Debtor.Please select the Payment Terms for this Account. These will be mapped automatically when creating a new Media Campaigns where this Account is selected as a Debtor.

AccountingRecord__cDunningBlock__cDunning BlockCheckboxSet if there is a dunnig block for this Accounting Record or not.Set if there is a dunnig block for this Accounting Record or not.

AccountingRecord__cInvoiceInvoiceRecord TypeAccounting Records for the invoice distribution to an external Accounting System.


AccountingRecord__cLineNumber__cLine NumberText (255)Enter a Line Number for the Record.Enter a Line Number for the Record.

AccountingRecord__cPaymentProcessing__cPayment ProcessingText (255)


AccountingRecord__cPaymentReference__cPayment ReferenceText (255)Enter the Payment Reference used for this record.Enter the Payment Reference used for this record.

AccountingRecord__cRevenueDistributionRevenue DistributionRecord TypeAccounting Records for the Revenue DistirbutionAccounting Records for the Revenue Distirbution

AccountingRecord__cVatId__cVAT IDText (255)Will be filled automatically with the VAT ID form the Debtor / Invoice Recipient.Will be filled automatically with the VAT ID form the Debtor / Invoice Recipient.

AccountingRecord__cWbsNo__cWBS No.Text (255)Enter the WBS Number for this record.Enter the WBS Number for this record.

AccountingRule__cDunningBlock__cDunning BlockCheckboxSet this Checkbox, if Accounting Records created by this rule should have a dunning block.Set this Checkbox, if Accounting Records created by this rule should have a dunning block.

AccountingRule__cInternalOrderWBS__cInternal Order / WBS (Deprecated)Text (30)This Field is Deprecated and no longer in use.This Field is Deprecated and no longer in use.

AccountingRule__cInternalOrder__cInternal OrderText (255)Enter the Internal Order, assigned by this Accounting Rule.Enter the Internal Order, assigned by this Accounting Rule.

AccountingRule__cPaymentProcessing__cPayment ProcessingPicklistPlease choose a payment process applicable for this Accounting Rule.Please choose a payment process applicable for this Accounting Rule.Global Value Set: PaymentProcessing2.90

AccountingRule__cTpcRule__cTPC RuleCheckboxMark this rule as relevant for Third Party Commission.Mark this rule as relevant for Third Party Commission.

AccountingRule__cWbsNo__cWBS NoText (255)Enter the WBS Number for this Accounting Rule.Enter the WBS Number for this Accounting Rule.


New Value:

  • Video Content
2.907.3.4.8 Setup Video Content & Content Bundle Targeting DFP

New Value:

  • Video Content
  • Content Bundles
2.907.3.4.8 Setup Video Content & Content Bundle Targeting DFP
BillingRun__cPaymentInterval__cPayment IntervalPicklist

New Value:

  • weekly (1 week)
2.902.1.13 Account Billing Information
Campaign_Item__cVideoMetricManual__cVideo Metric (manual)Number (18,0)Displays the total number of manually entered video metrics for this position.Displays the total number of manually entered video metrics for this position.

Campaign_Item__cVideoMetric__cVideo MetricNumber (18,0)Displays the total number of delivered Video Metrics. For example completed views for CPCV products from DFP.Displays the total number of delivered Video Metrics. For example completed views for CPCV products from DFP.

ExternalAccountID__cLegalEntity__cLegal EntityLookupEnter the Legal Entity where is the External Account ID is in use. For example if your Accounts have different IDs for each Legal Entity used.Enter the Legal Entity where is the External Account ID is in use. For example if your Accounts have different IDs for each Legal Entity used.

Global Value SetNameOfWeekdayName of WeekdayGlobal Value Set

  • Monday
  • Tuesday
  • Wednesday
  • Thursday
  • Friday
  • Saturday
  • Sunday

7.2.6 Configure Legal Entities Administration Settings

Invoice__cDatePaymentIsDue__cPayment Due DateDateThe date on which the payment is due.The date on which the payment is due.

InvoicePreference__cShowRoundingNote__cShow rounding noteCheckboxDisplays a small note, that amounts on the document are rounded, below the sum blockDisplays a small note, that amounts on the document are rounded, below the sum block

LegalEntity__cBic__cBICText (255)Enter the BIC for this Legal Entity. This Information can be displayed on PDF documentsEnter the BIC for this Legal Entity. This Information can be displayed on PDF documents

LegalEntity__cCity__cBilling CityText (40)Enter the Billing Adress for this Legal Entity.Enter the Billing Adress for this Legal Entity.

LegalEntity__cDebitorNumber__cDebitor Number (Deprecated)LookupThis Field is Deprecated and not longer in use.This Field is Deprecated and not longer in use.

LegalEntity__cIban__cIBANText (255)Enter the IBAN for this Legal Entity. This Information can be displayed on PDF documents.Enter the IBAN for this Legal Entity. This Information can be displayed on PDF documents.

LegalEntity__cPostalCode__cBilling Postal CodeText (20)Enter the Billing Adress for this Legal Entity.Enter the Billing Adress for this Legal Entity.

LegalEntity__cState__cBilling StateText (80)Enter the Billing Adress for this Legal Entity.Enter the Billing Adress for this Legal Entity.

LegalEntity__cStartOfWeek__cStart of WeekPicklistPlease select the weekday on which you like your billing period to start.Please select the weekday on which you like your billing period to start.

Global Value Set:



7.2.6 Configure Legal Entities Administration Settings

LegalEntity__cStreet__cBilling StreetTextAreaEnter the Billing Adress for this Legal Entity.Enter the Billing Adress for this Legal Entity.


MediaCampaign__cPaymentInterval__cPayment IntervalPicklistEssential for the Billing & Accounting App and needs to be filled.Please choose the invoice interval

New Value:

  • weekly (1 week)
2.902.1.13 Account Billing Information
Quote_Preference__cShowRoundingNote__cShow rounding noteCheckboxDisplays a small note, that amounts on the document are rounded, below the sum block.Displays a small note, that amounts on the document are rounded, below the sum block.

RevenueSchedule__cVideoMetricManual__cVideo Metric (manual)Number (18,0)This field can be used to manually override the delivered Video Metrics.This field can be used to manually override the delivered Video Metrics.

RevenueSchedule__cVideoMetric__cVideo MetricNumber (18,0)This value will be filled automatically by a script. It displays the delivered video metrics (e.G. completed views for CPCV products at DFP)This value will be filled automatically by a script. It displays the delivered video metrics (e.G. completed views for CPCV products at DFP)

Settings__cStartOfWeek__cStart of WeekText(10)Please select the weekday on which you like your billing period to start. The default value is Monday.Please select the weekday on which you like your billing period to start. The default value is Monday.

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