Extended Publication Date Calendar
Version | 2.80 and up |
Supported Adservers | n/a |
The publication date calendar/booking calendar is added to the "standalone" version built into the media configuration. This will save you time navigating back and forth to the booking calendar, configuring the search and waiting for results. This calendar is showing the exact same information but much quicker!
Please note that this mode does not respect the Inventory Forecast logic. Please switch to the Campaign Builder instead when you are using the Inventory Forecast and require to view Publication date availabilities during configuration of Campaign items.
View three months and availability (just like in the booking calendar)
The cell colours show the availability of the Publication Dates. Your Administrator can avoid the selection of fully booked and overbooked cells in the Administration Settings.
Version 2.112 and smaller: If you hold your mouse-over
Version 2.213 and up: Click on the i-icon on one of the publication dates
you will get detailed information about the availability just like in the booking calendar:Â
Clicking on one (or more) cells will mark these dates and save them to your campaign line item as selected publication dates.
No info icon shown
If you can not see the information icon although cells were booked and show different colours please check the names of your Publication Dates (Publication Numbers). If they are not unique you will not be able to see the details as expected.Â
Set it up yourself
Any user can turn this feature on by navigating to the Overview Tab and opening the Personal Settings within the Administration Settings.
Please check the little checkbox "New Publication Date Calendar Media Configuration"Â
Your administrator can set it for ALL users in your company Link Extended Publication Date Calendar.