3.5.6 Manage Teams, Ad Manager and Trafficker

3.5.6 Manage Teams, Ad Manager and Trafficker

Many AdServers allow you to assign salespersons, teams, and users to your campaigns. Advendio allows you to handle that in several ways and transfer this information to the AdServer.  To create the record in the AdServer ADvendio uses the login record you have set up. For Google Ad Manager the person who authenticated and generated the OAuth token is used as the "creator" of the campaign and line items. 

1. User-AdServer Assignment

Supported Adservers

Google Ad Manager, Xandr, Freewheel, Triton

It is possible to define which person is referenced as a 

  • salesperson (create orders, manage orders, and run reports on orders they create) or which person is used as 

  • trafficker (create orders, edit orders, edit line items, upload creatives for ads, and run reports on orders and creatives). 

and send this information to the AdServer. You can then utilize this information for example in AdServer internal reporting, to see which Person was involved in which Orders and Line Items.

DEFAULT: If this has not been defined the Login user will be used for all transferred data. 

To set up a salesperson or trafficker use the object called User AdServer Assignment, which is available as a related list under AdServer Logins. These records are not created by the import from your AdServer and need to be manually created. 

Select the AdServer Login from the object AdServer Logins and scroll down to the related list User AdServer Assignment. Please ensure, that the related list User AdServer Assignment is displayed in the AdServer Logins page layout. Click the button New User AdServer Assignment.

Select the according Salesforce user to assign it to the AdServer User:

  1. Select the User of your Salesforce environment.

  2. For Google Ad Manager: You can either enter the User ID of your Google User or just enter the User Name. Attention: if no ID is used, the name must exactly match the spelling in Google, else the system won't find the appropriate user to set as Trafficker or Salesperson 

  3. For Xandr and FreeWheel: Enter the Name you like to transfer into the AdServer User Name. As these are just labels in the systems and no existing users will be referenced, ADvendio just submits the name as it is entered in the field.

  4. For Triton: Enter the username of your desired Triton user as you can see it in your Triton Network. Please make sure that the spelling matches the spelling of the username in Triton.

  5. Click the button Save.

Repeat this step for all users who have to submit data to the AdServer as well as for all AdServer Logins.

1.1. SalesPerson

The interface will look up the owner of a media campaign and if an assignment exists, this person will be used to submit to the AdServer:

  • Google Ad Manager: The person will be set as Sales Person for the Insertion Order

  • Xandr: The person will be set in the reporting label Sales Rep for the Insertion Order and Line Item

  • Freewheel: Will be set as the primary Sales Person in the insertion order

  • Triton: Will be set as ‘Account Executive’ in your Triton campaign

1.2. Trafficker

The interface will look up the person that triggers the booking process (Press the button) and if an assignment exists this person will be used as a trafficker for the campaign on the AdServer

  • Google Ad Manager: The person will be set as Trafficker for the Insertion Order

  • Xandr: The person will be set in the reporting label Trafficker for the Insertion Order and Line Item

  • Freewheel: Will be set as the primary Trafficker in the insertion order

  • Triton: Will be set as Trafficker in your Triton campaign

Please consider that if no sales person or trafficker was found, the connection user (AdServer Login) is used.

2. Team Assignments (Only supported for Google AdManager)

Step 1

Teams in ADvendio can be assigned to an Account and/or Media Campaign combination.

  • In order to do so please import your team data from the ADServer 7.3.2 Transfer Data from the AdServer (currently only Google AdManager). If you take a look at the newly created records you should then see entries of type team. Also the success message (displayed or in email) will notify you that you successfully have created x team records.

Step 2

Next, you can assign those ADServer IDs to Account and/or Media Campaigns. Navigate to the Overview and pick the AdServer Team Assignment Object. Create a new record:

Pick the team you like to assign from your Adserver ID records. Then link the

  • media campaign and/or

  • the account.

If you then push your campaign to the Adserver the team will also get transmitted and be linked to either the campaign or the advertiser or both in GAM depending on your record.

You have also the option to add a custom workflow which copies the team reference from the Advertiser record to the Media Campaign.

Make sure to also add the related lists to the account and/or media campaign layout. 

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