/ Geo and Postal Code Targeting Geo and Postal Code Targeting

The following page shows you how to enter geo-targeting information during the product configuration of your media campaign items.


1.  Geography Targeting


2.94 and up

Supported AdServers

Google AdManager, Xandr, Freewheel, Equativ, Adswizz, Triton

Please use the Geography fields: The behaviour is the same as the old one. It opens a tree for you to select the respective geo regions. The new structure allows more features like postal code targeting, etc. 

1.1 Select Geography Targeting

Available geo-targeting options are displayed in a hierarchical tree structure. Decide whether you like to target Countries or Regions. Then open the tree and select or deselect the correct options. 

Alternatively, you can select the Search Tab and search for a Geo Targeting Area:


Remember that if you are selecting a "higher" level like a Country you CAN NOT limit this further by selecting Regions or Cities within that same country: The whole country will then be targeted.

The same is true for Regions. The AdServer takes always the highest level as its targeting criteria.

2. Postal Code - Geo-Targeting

The current Postal Code Targeting feature will be discontinued by the end of 2024. Please use our Lightning Postal Code Targeting by enabling the Administration setting “Enable New Postal Codes UI“. The documentation for the new Postal code targeting can be found under the Campaign Builder wiki section: Postal Code Targeting in Campaign Builder


2.84 and up

Supported Adservers


Postal Code Geo-Targeting allows your ads to appear in the geographic locations that you choose: countries, regions or areas within a country or location groups can be selected.

Postal Code Geo Targeting

We separated this feature from the regular geo-targeting trees into its own tab and field.


  1. Remember that this only works with the new AdServer ID Targeting (read more about it here 7.3.2 Transfer Data from the AdServer) and only for GAM so far.

  2. GAM supports at the moment only postal codes in

  • Canada, 

  • Germany, 

  • France, 

  • India, 

  • United Kingdom 

  • United States.

Please notice that you can only select Postal Codes from one country per campaign item. If you would like to add Postal Codes from different countries please use separate campaign items.

2.1 Edit Postal Code Geo-Targeting:

Your administrator needs to set up the column and button in the Media Configuration which you can show via Tab Setup (Targetings > Postal Code) in a new tab or integrate it into an existing tab. (7.2.2 Setup Media Configuration)

The first step is to click the button "Select Postal Code". A new tab window will open in your browser then. Here you have two possibilities to use Postal Code Geo-Targeting. You can navigate between those two screens using the tabs:

2.1.1. Select Ranges 

Set a Postal Code Range in which you would like to target your customers.

  • You can add a row for a new range when you click on the "+" sign. 

  • With the "-" you can delete the row.

  • Choose how precise you want to define the ranges: You can set a range with one to five digits (e.g. 5 to 6 → ADvendio maps all postal codes from 50000 to 60000 to the selected Campaign Item or 5123 to 5223 →  ADvendio maps all postal codes from 51230 to 52230 to the selected Campaign Item).

After entering the ranges please click "Save". Afterwards, you will see the chosen postal codes in the Media Configuration.

2.1.2. Single postal codes

If you switch on the page to the other tab by hitting the second dot below you can enter Postal Codes manually and comma separated. The system will ensure that they are valid when you click "Check“.


After the check, you can close the targeting selection by clicking "Save“. If you get an error message about invalid values please correct the referred codes.

Targeting Limit

The maximum of the Targeting Criteria in GAM is 800. When you choose more than that you will get the error message below.

2.2 Geo and Postal Code Targeting on PDF

In your offers or invoices pdf documents, the new geo-targeting settings will be displayed similarly to the old ones. Your customers won't notice much of a difference. If you use Postal Code Ranges, those will be directly shown on the PDF otherwise, the targeting will be written in a comma-separated list.

You can also hide Targeting information for single positions. For more information on how to do that see the following chapters:

4.2.10 PDF Settings

6.3.6 Invoice Item PDF Settings

3. View preconfigured Targeting Criteria from the product (Ad Spec)


2.115 and up

Supported AdServers

Xandr, Google Ad Manager, FreeWheel, Adswizz, Equativ


In some cases (especially for Inventory Targeting) your want to preconfigure targeting criteria on your product (Ad Spec) which will automatically be used, no matter what is set on your Campaign Item. With Version 2.115 we enhanced our Media Configuration overview, to already see what has been predefined for your Campaign Item, with a new AdSpec Button.

For more information, View preconfigured Targeting Criteria from the product

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