/ Targeting Abbreviations Targeting Abbreviations
The field "targeting abbreviations" on the campaign line item will have a list of the following targeting values separated by a semicolon:
It is important that this field will be only be populated by using the new media configuration. User added targeting information through the standard detail page or by using the data loader (or similar) will not be reflected. The Campaign Item Trigger will no longer populate this field with any information.
Field Label | API Name |
AdAreaCodes | ADvendio_AdAreaCodes_c |
AdBrowsersMajor Version | ADvendio_AdBrowsersMajorVersion_c |
AdBrowsersMinor Version | ADvendio_AdBrowsersMinorVersion_c |
AdDayOfWeek | ADvendio_AdDayOfWeek_c |
AdHourOfDay | ADvendio_AdHourOfDay_c |
AdKeyValues | ADvendio_AdKeyValues_c |
AdKeyWords | ADvendio_AdKeyWords_c |
AdOperatingSystems | ADvendio_AdOperatingSystems_c |
AdPostalCodes | ADvendio_AdPostalCodes_c |
AdStatesRegions | ADvendio_AdStatesRegions_c |
AdWebBrowsers | ADvendio_AdWebBrowsers_c |
Bandwidth | ADvendio_Bandwidth_c |
Device Capability | ADvendio_DeviceCapability_c |
Device Category | ADvendio_DeviceCategory_c |
Internet Service Providers | ADvendio_AdISPs_c |
Selected City Information | ADvendio_SelectedCityInformation_c |
Selected Content Information | ADvendio_SelectedContentInformation_c |
Selected Country Information | ADvendio_SelectedCountryInformation_c |
Selected Publication Date Information | ADvendio_SelectedPublicationDateInformation_c |
Selected Region Information | ADvendio_SelectedRegionInformation_c |
User Domains | ADvendio_UserDomains_c |