/ View preconfigured Targeting Criteria from the product View preconfigured Targeting Criteria from the product



Supported Adservers

Xandr, Google Ad Manager, FreeWheel, Adswizz, Equativ


With version 2.115, it is now possible to view targeting criteria, which are predefined for a product 3.2.3 Predefined AdServer Targeting for Products: Connect Ad Specs via Ad Server IDs. So how does this help you?

Let's say you will offer your Sales Reps, the possibility to configure Inventory Targeting on a Campaign Item Level in the Media Configuration. So they can decide on which Websites / Placements their Ad will additionally run. Still, there are some products which have predefined Inventory, which will automatically be used, regardless of what you enter at the Campaign Item. Before 2.115 you were already able to see them, once you clicked edit and open the Inventory Selection Tree. They were displayed as Selected Items, but without an option to remove them, as you can't modify predefined targeting.

This however meant you will always need to load the Targeting Selection, which could take some time. To save you time, we now offer you to view these predefined targeting criteria from the product also in the Media Configuration overview. If there are Targeting Criteria assigned to a product (Ad Spec) directly, you see an additional button next to the edit button, called AdSpec. This button is only visible if there is predefined targeting existing, else it's not visible.

Once you click the button, another list opens below, which shows the Targeting Criteria predefined on the product/ad spec.

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