6.3.11 Generating Swiss QR Bills
Creating invoices with an integrated payment slip with a QR code that meets the specifications of the Swiss QR bill regulations. The QR code should contain all information for easy, automatic, and efficient payment.
ADvendio users can now avail of automated QR code generation and PDF placement for Swiss invoicing.
How to generate the QR Code?
The QR code portion of the invoice will be generated when the ESR type is set for an invoice. ESR type = ADvendio__ESRType__c.
Once the ESR type of the invoice is set, the payment part of the QR invoice will be shown on the Invoice PDF (landscape & portrait). This will be shown without the QR code. The QR code is only generated during the billing run, once all invoice information is finalized.
ESR reference layout and explanation:
Example of full ESR layout :
The full reference number with color coding looks like this: 0100000009988>0004200000000000000001000903+ XXXXXX>
first digits (0100000009988) are ESR type amount sequence number
digit '8' is a checksum (sequence number)
red 000420: is ESR ID from the Invoice or debtor number (debtor number could be up to 25 digits)
blue 000000000000000 this section is needed to be filled with 0s for the total reference number to include 26 digits in total
green 100090: is invoice number (numbers from 1 to 25). Fields which are not used need to be filled with zeros
Total amount number of blue and green digits should be maximum of 26 numbers
IMPORTANT: if digits amount will be 27 numbers or more the system will provide an error
number '3' is a checksum
purple XXXXXX: ESR number
The final payment section, including the QR code, will look as follows:
Before Billing Run
After Billing Run
The QR code will be inserted into the PDF and stored as a PNG file under the Notes & Attachments of a given invoice.
Which data is contained in the QR code?
The QR code should contain data which makes the payment of the invoice easy, automatic and efficient. Which information should be contained, and the format of that information, is strictly dictated in UNIFI (ISO 20022) and adhered to in the ADvendio QR code generation. For more information on the data elements of the QR code, please read futher.
Enhancements for customer convenience :
The receipt payment part with an integrated QR code is placed at the bottom of a portrait page (at lower cut edge).
The imprint of the IBAN is set in blocks of 4 and the QR reference in blocks of 5 : eg. 12 34000 00000 00000 00000 00133
the QR Code generation requires no specific setup
Where ESR type is set, the QR code and payment section will be generated
Ensure data is set up and configured correctly
For more information on the Swiss QR bill, please consult the following documentation:
Swiss Payment Standards: https://www.paymentstandards.ch/dam/downloads/ig-qr-bill-en.pdf
Style Guide QR-bill: https://www.paymentstandrds.ch/dam/downloads/style-guide-en.pdf
More information in different languages: https://www.paymentstandards.ch/de/shared/communication-grid/script.html