/ Configure Automated Invoice Email Templates Configure Automated Invoice Email Templates


Issuing invoices and/or credit notes via email with customised templates to suit the needs of the particular customer and situation


Version 2.135 and up

Users can now create and configure different email templates within Salesforce in order to be able to customise the content of emails sent when issuing invoices via email.


Create Email Templates

Create custom email templates to cover different needs eg. different languages or from different Legal Entities/Holdings. In the Setup > Classic Email Templates > Folder: InvoiceEmail > New Templates

Create a text template with the content which should be used when issuing invoices via email. Create the content of the template using the standard Salesforce features and press save. Make sure the template is active (Available for Use = true)

IMPORTANT: Please differentiate and do not mix data when entering fields 'Email Template name' instead of the 'Template unique Name'. Also please ensure spacing between the name of the Template and Invoice to avoid any issues

Configure Email Templates

Once created, it needs to be configured which email template is to be used when issuing invoices via email.

Invoices are sent via email where Dispatch is set to the email on the Media Campaign

The invoice email will be mapped into the invoice using the mapping BA. The Invoice email template can either be set on the individual invoice, or mapped into the invoice using the Mapping BA or some custom logic.

Where no invoice email template is specified, the first active template in the InvoiceEmail folder will be used (as per default) or where no active templates at all, without any email content.

Where an inactive or invalid template is specified, an error will be encountered in phase 1 of the billing run and it will need to be corrected before the invoice can be issued.

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