5.3.9 How can I see the status of items in a booking system (like an AdServer) and can I update that status automatically in ADvendio?

5.3.9 How can I see the status of items in a booking system (like an AdServer) and can I update that status automatically in ADvendio?


2.130 and higher


Google AdManager, Adswizz, Freewheel, Xandr, Triton, Broadsign


The initial planning of your Ad Sales is started from ADvendio, but not all settings or process steps can or will be executed from ADvendio. There might be the need for separate approval within a connected system (as an Ad Server or SSP) before setting an order with the item live.

If it is needed to perform any actions regarding a Campaign Items status, can this be done directly in the connected system? And can the current status of the item be synched back to ADvendio, to prevent mismatching information?


While ADvendio offers features to set the status of your Campaign Items from ADvendio and sent it over to your AdServer, it is also valid to do this outside of ADvendio.

In this case, it’s important to make sure both systems, your external AdServer / SSP / DSP and ADvendio are in sync. For this, we offer the following solutions.

Prevent ADvendio from overwriting Status information in the connected systems.

First, make sure that the AdServer Status field of Campaign Items and Media Campaigns are set to an empty value:

Otherwise, it might be, that during the next submission process, the current status of the order or item gets replaced with what is set up in ADvendio!

To know more about the status update from ADvendio, see also the following articles:

4.8.5 How to update the status of my Insertions Orders / Campaigns in the AdServer/SSP and approve Orders in Google AdManager? How to activate, pause or update the status of a Campaign Item in an external system like an AdServer or SSP from ADvendio?

Synch back Line Item Status to ADvendio

To keep Campaign Items up to date, ADvendio synch status information automatically with the Lifetime Delivery Data reports. To find out, if this has already been set up, contact your System Administrator or see the steps mentioned in the Setup section below.

On the Campaign Item, there are two relevant fields, showing this information:

Last Delivery Data Update → Shows the last time the data has been synched for this Campaign Item

Current AdServer Status → Shows which status the item has in the external system (like an AdServer or SSP)

The possible status values depend on the connected system in use, most common are status like active, paused, waiting, running, finished

ADvendio currently offers this only on Campaign Item / Line Item level and not for insertion order status.


In order to activate the status sync back to ADvendio, an option needs to be activated when scheduling the delivery reports.

For this open the Delivery Report Center and either create a new report or edit any existing Lifetime Campaign Item Delivery report.

On the second page, where the time and email configurations are done, there is a checkbox called ‘Update Ad Status’

Mark the checkbox and click save. During the next Lifetime Delivery Import, the status of line items will be imported into the relevant ADvendio Campaign Items.


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7.3.4 How to Configure "Update Ad-Status in AdServer" for Campaign Items
7.3.4 How to Configure "Update Ad-Status in AdServer" for Campaign Items
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