Optional Invoice Information (Media Campaign)

In addition to the required Invoice Information on the Media Campaign level, there are configuration options to further customise your invoicing needs. 

How to Invoice email to many recipients?


2.118 and up


2.118 and up

When creating invoices with dispatch-type email, it is also possible to configure additional recipients for this Invoice email using the Invoice Email CC field on Media Campaign Level. In this field, you can enter multiple, comma-separate email addresses (up to 255 characters).

If you cannot see this field in your page layout, please contact your System Administrator.

This field can be populated manually or through the use of workflow rules, Process Builder or custom triggers etc. This field is not mapped to the Invoice to ensure that each time you create invoices for a Media Campaign, the Invoice email cc recipients are the current and up-to-date email addresses from the Media Campaign. You can use this field to send additional copies of the invoices to, for example, your Finance Department, Account Manager or any other interested party for a particular Media Campaign.  

How to populate the Payment Due Date for Invoices?

Version 2.128

Using the Terms of Payment on your Media Campaign, you can quickly and easily populate the Payment Due Date for your invoices so that your users have a quick overview of when the particular payment is required. The Payment Due Date is Generated as follows ADvendio__InvoiceDatec plus ADvendioTermsOfPaymentDaysNet__c. This is a formula field that will automatically be generated but can be overwritten using the Payment Due Date (Manual) field on your Invoice.