/ Customize PDF Cover Letter Customize PDF Cover Letter

Advendio offers you many options to customize the "Landscape" pdf document for proposals and invoices. The pdf consists of two parts, the cover letter and the actual table which includes all line items and extra description etc. and the signature block including your header and footers. 

Here we explain how to change the cover letter to your needs.

Navigate to the offer/invoice preferences in the Setup & Settings section on the Overview tab or use the App Launcher browse for "Preferences" and open the active record:

  1. First of all, you have the option to turn the first page - the cover letter off altogether. To do so please un-check "Show Cover Letter".

  2. Your next option is to remove the info box on the cover letter. To do so please check "Hide Info Table on Cover Letter".

  3. If you like the information box you can configure the 7 variables on the right by choosing a field on the media campaign. The fields and their labels are displayed in the order from top to bottom as selected here.

  4. If you are using layout for your legal entities you can configure this in all records differently if needed. 

Default Values and their default order:

Custom Fields

If these options don't fit your needs, you can easily create a custom field and then display that on your quote or invoice record. 

If you like to add a field which is a reference/lookup to a data record, make sure to create an additional formula field which only contains the name of the record. Otherwise the system will include a clickable link to the record. Other field types like text, date, numbers are working fine.

Custom Labels used on Cover Letter

The system takes the label of the field and puts it in the left-hand section adding a COLON and moving the value to the right. The default field labels can be modified by changing the following custom labels at Setup  - Create - Custom Labels:

Advertiser Advertiser_BA Billing_Period_BA Campaign_BA CreditNoteNumber_Cancellation_BA CreditNote_number_BA Customer_number_BA Date and categories OfferNumber_Cancellation_BA Offer_number_BA OptimizationAdvice Your_reference_number_BA campaign campaign_period customer_number offer_number your_reference_number

Read more here: Overview of custom labels on PDF

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