4.16.3 Apply Condition's Discounts to Campaign Items

4.16.3 Apply Condition's Discounts to Campaign Items

Once you've chosen the commitments for your media campaign and have added campaign items, the conditions will automatically be applied to your campaign items as described below:


Apply Commitment Button 

If you have first entered your campaign items and

  • later add a commitment or

  • change a commitment


You will have to use the "Apply Commitments"  button in the related Media Campaign. This button needs to be enabled by your administrator.

For advanced Commitment: Make sure that the previously applied commitment conditions are reverted or reset before applying new ones

The process will look for matching Commitment Conditions in the Commitment connected to the Media Campaign and will apply the discounts to all matching Campaign Items. You will need to confirm that you want to apply Commitments to the relevant Campaign Items:



If the Campaign Item already had existing discounts manually entered those will be overwritten.
If the Campaign Item already had existing discounts from other Commitment Conditions those will not be touched and you have to manually correct those.


If the Campaign Item already had existing discounts manually entered or from other Commitment Conditions in a field used by the condition those will be changed and the new conditions applied.
If the Campaign Item already had existing discounts manually entered or from other Commitment Conditions in a field not used by the condition those will not be touched.

Have a look at the overview table at the bottom of this page to see which field is used by which kind of Commitment Condition.

ADvendio will not change any Campaign Item which has a linked Invoice Item with the status "invoiced".

You can not only record the commitment and its conditions but also track the revenue/turnover you made with a customer towards that commitment to check whether rebate in kind discounts are granted.

Whenever you create a Media Campaign connected to a Commitment, you can decide whether to apply the Commitment Conditions to a Campaign Item or not. Please also read more about how to 4.16.2 Assign Commitments to Media Campaigns and the 4.16.7 Commitment Matching Criteria Hierarchy.

REMEMBER: That any Campaign Item using a 3.1.1 Ad Spec which does NOT allow the specific kind of discount will overrule the commitment. 

Discounts from Conditions will be used automatically when a campaign item is created if the commitment is linked to the Media Campaign. ADvendio checks if all the following criteria are matching between the condition and campaign item:

  • Site 

  • Media Differentiation

  • Media Segment

  • Media Type

  • AdType

  • AdSpec

  • AdPrice

  • Content

  • Unit

  • PageEquivalency (if Unit is set to it)

If any of these fields is empty it gets ignored. 

If there is a Condition Match the following happens:

1. Scaled Discount (Amount, Page and Quantity)

Scaled Discounts represent the following:

  • Scaled Discount Amount

  • Scaled Discount Page

  • Scaled Discount Quantity

For scaled discounts, the TotalRevenue spend for that commitment has to be in the defined range specified in your commitment condition record. 

  • Agency Discount = CommitmentCondition.CashDiscountAgency__c

  • Advertiser Discount = CommitmentCondition.CashDiscountAdvertiser__c

  • Special Discount = CommitmentCondition.SpecialDiscount__c

  • Special Discount Name = "Commitment"

  • ScaledDiscountCondition__c = CommitmentCondition which has been applied

  • "Condition Applied" Checkbox = true

2. Special Discount

  • Special Discount = CommitmentCondition.SpecialDiscount__c

  • Special Discount Name = "Commitment"

  • SpecialDiscountCondition__c = CommitmentCondition which has been applied

  • "Condition Applied" Checkbox = true

3. Rebate in Kind

For Rebate in Kind Items, the spending process will be handled mainly via the Media Configuration. In the Media Search, after the Campaign Items have been added to the basket, there is a picklist for the Commitment Conditions. As soon as a Rebate in Kind Condition fits the Campaign Item and it has Rebate in Kind Units for spending available, the User can choose a Rebate In Kind Condition which he wants to apply. The Values of the picklist will be displayed like this: ConditionName (Unit, Number of Available Units). Afterwards, the User goes to the Media Configuration and continues to configure the Campaign Item (the Special Discount is already entered and the Quantity is preset to the number of available RIK Units in the Condition). If no Condition is selected by the User, Discounts from other Conditions will be applied automatically or if no fitting Condition exists, the Campaign Item will be configured normally.

If a Rebate in Kind Condition is chosen the following will be set at the Campaign Item:

  • Special Discount = 100%

  • Rebate In Kind Condition = CommitmentCondition which has been applied

  • Special Discount Name = "Rebate in Kind"

  • Commitment Relevant = false

  • "Condition Applied" Checkbox = true

3.1 Example

This example has a buy 7 get 2 free rule which applies to the:

  1. Advertising Medium = Newsweek, 

  2. Media Type = Print, 

  3. Media Segment = Magazine,

  4. Unit = Page Equivalency

I have earned (bought) 14 units and have already spent 2 or my earned 4 units. You find this in the section Rebate in Kind Information and also the spend line items in the related list below:

If you create a media campaign and add an item which matches ALL the four conditions above you will get a selection box in my media search Media Basket:



Within the Media Basket, you can select the condition you like to apply to the appropriate line item.

If your condition drop-down box is empty check the following:

3.2 Error Messages:

Make sure to only add one item at a time. Otherwise, the following error will pop up:

3.3 Media Configuration

Opening the media configuration will set the special discount to 100% and write all the available units into the quantity field.

4. Third Party Commission (TPC)

  • Third-Party Commission Custom (Campaign Item) = Third Party Commission (Condition)

  • Third-Party Commission Condition (Campaign Item) = Commitment Condition which has been applied

  • "Condition Applied" Checkbox = true

5. Apply multiple condition discounts

Generally, it is possible to apply multiple conditions on a single campaign item if the conditions are of different record types. As they influence different fields in the Campaign Item

i.e. it is possible to have a

  1. scaled discount (Which gets written into the Customer Discount/ADvendio__Rate_Discount_2_custom__c  or Agency Discount/ADvendio__Rate_Discount_3_custom__c) apply to a campaign item

  2. and a special discount ADvendio__Rate_Discount_4__c condition. 

The Rebate in Kind will have to be selected manually in the media configuration. If a Rebate in Kind is to be applied the rate_discount_4__c is set to 100%. 

6. Shared Revenue Scale

If you like to set a commitment with your customers over a total turnover but you want to apply this amount to several conditions you can build a "hierarchy" of conditions. First create a condition of record type: Scaled Revenue Scale and enter the total Revenue.

Then link all your scaled discount conditions to this one by selecting the condition in the lookup field "Shared Revenue":

Now all unit counts in all conditions here can be added up to match the one master condition to monitor the reached turnover. 


Record Type


Quantity Discount

Customer Discount

Agency Discount

Special Discount



"Condition Applied" Checkbox

Special Discount Name

Record Type


Quantity Discount

Customer Discount

Agency Discount

Special Discount



"Condition Applied" Checkbox

Special Discount Name

Rebate in Kind

Please select if you like to specify a Rebate in Kind, i.e. Buy 2 get 1 free.


Rebate in Kind (custom label)

Agency Earning

Please select if you like to use agency earning




Rebate in Kind %

Please select if you like to specify a percental Rebate in Kind.


Rebate in Kind (custom label)

Scaled Discount

Please select if you like to specify a scaled quantity discount for either Advertiser and/or Agency.






Shared Revenue Scale

Shared Revenue Scale Conditions can be used to connect multiple Scaled Discount Conditions into one.

When checking, which level of scaled discount will be applied to a Campaign Item, the combined revenue of all connected Conditions will be used.






Special Discount

Please select if you like to use special discount.




Third Party Commission

Please select if you like to use third party commission discount.




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