/ Publication Dates Publication Dates

1. Manual creation


In order to create publication dates for your website, magazine, journal, or newspaper, ensure that the relevant list has been added to your site's layout by your administrator.

You can access the site record by navigating to the App Launcher and selecting "Sites" and opening a site record.

Click on “New” to create a new publication date record. Additionally, to the actual date of issue which can be selected in the Media Configuration, the record allows you to store dates for material deadlines and invoicing which you can use to report and alert staff. The Invoicing Date is also used if you like to use the automated Flexible Payment Plan.

You can also enter general data like the circulation or book size. Have your administrator add custom fields if needed. 

Make sure to add an invoice date if you like to use flexible payment plans based on the publication dates. 


Version 2.110 and up

ADvendio offers you now the possibility to define your due dates in even more detail:

  • Two kinds of Material Dues Dates let you set different dates for the material delivery for when you need it "not ready to use" and "ready to use".

  • The Reservation/Booking Due Date, Final Cancellation Date and Material Due Dates are now in a date-time format which lets you define deadlines exactly to the minute.

When you open the Publication Date Wizard after installing 2.110 (or higher) you'll be asked to convert your existing due dates into date time format. Please do this in order to use the new fields. Your existing dates will be set with a time of 11:59 PM. For more info please have a look at Publication Date Wizard.


Version 2.67 and up

ADvendio now supports Placement-Based Scheduling for Publication Dates. This feature lets you easily set publication dates for placements, allowing for easier filtering and selection of the correct placement by directly associating specific publication dates with them. You can find more information about this feature on this page: 4.3.9 Publication Dates | Placement Based Scheduling for Publication Dates

2. Bulk creation using the Wizard

Please read Publication Date Wizard

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