/ Use Case: Rebate in Kind Use Case: Rebate in Kind


IMPORTANT NOTE: Update on Rebate in Kind Process

We strongly recommend refraining from using split and copy buttons for rebate in kind items to ensure the accuracy of rebate in kind processes.

Page Equivalency - progressively applied


For each 10 x 1/1 (full) page, your customer buys in your periodical he gets 1 x full page in one of the following issues of the same magazine for free. This rebate is applied progressively, so if the customer buys 20 pages she will get 2 pages for free and so on. For rebate in kind, it is important to fill in the unit and if chosen page equivalency the page equivalency value also has to be entered. 

The Unit Count will be automatically calculated. In this example, the customer has already bought 25 pages for a revenue of 50k € which earns him 2 free pages. But only one free page has been "sold" for a total revenue applied of zero, as these are given away with a 100% discount (for free). One unit/ full page can still be ordered for free. 

The rebate in kind units available can be utilized as many times as the customer wants. To avoid confusion and provide more rebate in kind benefits please monitor the available units manually and wait for the counting job to run so the total unit count applied is updated and we have updated the quantity of available rebate in kind units.