6.5.4 Accounting Records
Accounting records are used to support interfaces to third-party accounting systems like SAP FI, Navision, Oracle or any other Accounting / Financial solutions. It will feed data into the general ledger of the third-party system and map it to their accounting record. Therefore Accounting Records within ADvendio store information related to Invoice Items or Campaign Items but can further be broken down by cost or profit centre or other accounting characteristics to support accounts payable, accounts receivable, other accruals or for example internal revenue splitting.
ADvendio offers a new automated solution to support the different processes which automatically create Accounting Records using an apex process that reads your defined Accounting Rules. That way the system can assign the right revenue /cost type to the correct record.
There are twelve types of accounting records:
Accrual- Cost (used to support the process of accruals creation for costs)
Accrual - Cost - Reverse (used to support the process of accrual reversal for cost)
Accrual - Revenue (used to support the process of accruals creation for revenue)
Accrual - Revenue - Reverse (used to support the process of reversing accruals created for revenue)
Collection - Cost (used to support the process of collecting costs)
Collection - Revenue (used to support the process of collecting revenue)
Deferral - Cost (used to support the process of deferring costs)
Deferral - Cost - Reverse (used to support the process of reversing deferrals created for cost)
Deferral - Revenue (used to support the process of deferral creation for revenue)
Deferral - Revenue - Reverse (used to support the process of reversing deferrals created for revenue)
Distribution - Cost (used to support the process of distributing collected costs)
Distribution - Revenue (used to support the process of distributing collected revenue)
Collection Accounting Records will be created for zero amount Items by default. This can be deactivated, read more about feature settings: Feature Settings for the Accounting Interface.