/ Accounting Record Creation Log File Accounting Record Creation Log File

For each Accounting Record Creation process started, a log file will be generated. This log file is intended to give the user an overview of any issues/actionable items which were encountered in the given process. Where errors are encountered, the user is provided with a link to the item with an issue, information as to whether it is a cost/revenue or debit/credit issue and an error/warning message.

  • In situations where vast amounts of data are being handled, it may be necessary to generate multiple log files in order to store the relevant messaging and information.

    • In this situation, log files will receive sequential numbers (1), (2), (3) etc in their name to assist the user. Log files names also contain a reference to the type of process that was run, the job Id and the time the file was converted in the timezone of the user who initiated the job. For example, DEFERRAL_CREATION - 7072K00007OAOdEQAX - 13.01.2020 16:05.html

  • The Logfile contains all errors encountered during the process as well as creation prevention errors.


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