/ Discount and Agency Earnings logic within Packages Discount and Agency Earnings logic within Packages

Version 2.88 and up

We did some important changes to the

  • Discount and

  • Agency Earnings

logic within Packages. The goal is to give you more freedom for the package price calculation and help to create better cross-media packages within ADvendio.

Set Discounts individually for each Package Component

Previously discounts needed to be set at the Package Header and then applied to the whole package. With the exception of individual packages, this made it difficult to create Cross Media Packages, where Discounts are only applicable to some parts of the package, but not all. Starting with ADvendio Summer 2017 (2.88) you can define all discounts, agency earnings and third party commission individually for each package component or the package as whole. This logic applies to all distribution types of packages (linear, prorated, individual). 

In case you wonder, why the Agency Discount in the Package Header is 3,00%, while one of the package components has a discount of 9,00%. As soon as you enter a discount (or Third Party Commission, or Agency Earnings) for only a single Package Component, the system automatically calculates the discount value for the Package Header. This is based on the Amount of the Package Component in relation to the rest of the Package.

You still want to give your whole Package the same Discount? Don't worry, you don't have to enter the same number for every Package Component individually. In the Media Configuration you can still enter a discount at the Package Header and it will be automatically copied to all Package Components. 


If you have custom workflows or triggers which automatically set discounts for Packages, please test excessively. You might need to enhance your logic to set the discounts for all Package Components instead of the Package Header. Direct changes of Discount fields at the Package Header (without the Media Configuration or Net Calculator) will be reverted. 

New Agency Earnings Field

To offer this possibility also for Agency Earnings, we needed to enhance our data model. Additionally to the existing picklist Agency Commission % we added a new Agency Earnings field as a percentage field. This has two advantages: 1.) it offers the flexibility to set the AE separately for each package component and 2.) it makes it easier to use the Agency Earnings in custom calculations or formulas, because now you don't have to transfer picklist values to number values.

But wait, this doesn't mean you need to start using the new field inmediately and change all layouts and cofigurations! The old Agency Commission % picklist still works like before. You just need to make sure that your profiles include the permissions for the new Agency Earnings field, because it is needed for the calculation within Packages.

How to set this up (Administrators only)

If you want to use the new field, the following steps need to be done:

  • Add the Agency Earnings field to your Page Layouts (Campaign Item) and remove the old picklist

  • Change the Tab Setup of your Media Configuration (More information on how to do this here: )

  • Make sure the Agency Earnings field is included in all profiles and permissions sets (if you're using custom permissions)

To define a default Agency Earning for the new field, we added new Administration Settings where you can set a default value.

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