/ Media Campaign Discounts, Agency Earnings and Commissions Media Campaign Discounts, Agency Earnings and Commissions


On your Media Campaign you have the option to set three discounts:

  1. Quantity Discount
  2. Customer Discount
  3. Agency Discount

All of these discounts are used to calculate the Net 1 from your Amount and get inherited to all campaign items but can be overwritten in each individual one.

Remember, there is no special discount on the media campaign, only on line items. The special discount absolute field is a roll-up calculation suming up the special discounts on your line items. To understand the calculation scheme and hierarchy of net and gross amounts, take a look at the Amount Calculation and Discounts page.

A fourth "discount" is the early payment discount, but this does only apply to the actual payment the customer has on it's invoice (Invoice gross amount). 

Agency Earnings

The agency earnings can only be set on Campaign Item Surcharges, Discounts, Agency Earnings, and Commissions.

Third Party Commissions

The Media Campaign allows you to enter the third party commission: Third Party Commission. Similar to the discounts the commission values also get inherited to all campaign line items but can be overwritten. Alternatively the Third Party Commissions can be automatically set if you are using Commitments

  • TPC will only be shown if the checkbox "show third party commissioning" is true
  • TPC is always part of item calculation (Amount N3) even if the checkbox is false

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