8.6 Feature Overview and their configuration
Unfortunately, not all the ADvendio features come ready to use when you install a new version to your production or sandbox salesforce organization. Here you find a quick reference which features you can configure and where to do so. We highly recommend to read through the detailed wiki documentation for each feature to set this up. Remember, that many of these configurations are "data" which can't transferred when you test in a sandbox and try to deploy this to production. You will have to redo some of these steps manually. Any of the functions you don't find in this list are currently not configurable.
Feature | Component | Description | Configure | Search for | Detailed Documentation |
AdMananger Kanban | AdMananger Kanban | AdManager Kanban provides an overview of current Media Campaigns and items, based upon their current status. | Record at object "Feature Setting" | Feature Name = AdManagerKanban | |
AdServer Status | Sync the status of the campaign items of AdServer and ADvendio. | Setup → Custom Settings → Adserver Status Mapping | |||
Accounting Record Creation | Standard Accounting Interface | Creation of Accounting Records based on Accounting Rules | Records at object "Feature Setting" | Feature Name = "Finance" | |
Administration Settings | Setting | The first tab is to set your own personal user settings, the second the general administration settings relevant for ALL users. We created a visualforce page for a more comfortable configuration of the multiple settings | Administration Settings | ||
Advertiser Agency Relation | Create Relations between an Advertiser and an Agency. | For Lightning only: Field mapping configurable in Salesforce Setup | Setup → Object Manager → Advertiser Agency relation → Buttons | ||
Booking Calendar | Booking Calendar | Have an calendar overview of your exclusive products and avoid overbooking. | Remote Site Settings | ||
Cancellation | Cancelation Wizzard | Allows to create Cancellation for existing Invoices, Invoice items. | Records at object "Feature Setting" | Tab Cancellation Wizard | |
Commercial Optimizer | Commercial Optimizer | Modify and change your running media campaign line items according to your and your customers' needs | Records at object "Feature Setting" | ||
Commitments | Commitments | Financial agreements between publishers, customers, or/and your customers' agencies | Custom Settings | ||
E-mail Dispatch | Dispatch Invoices etc. to your mails | Administration Settings, | |||
Flexible Payment Plans | Flexible Payment Plans | Allow users to set up an individual payment schedule whereupon invoices are only produced based on that schedule. | Administration Settings | ||
Forecast | Sales Goals and Campaign Item Revenue Split | Plan forecast revenue per sales representative and be able to split the attained revenue (to calculate commissions) on media campaign level for involved sales team members. | Records at object "Feature Setting" | ||
Generic Clone | Generic Clone | Clone objects based on criteria you set. | Records at object "Feature Setting" | Feature Name = GenericClone OR Feature Name = GenericCloneDetailConfiguration | |
Inventory and Rates Manager | Inventory and Rates Manager | This tool lets you mass create inventory records and link them. | In tool configuration | ||
Invoice Generation | Create Pre-Invoices, Invoices and Cancellations. | Records at object "Feature Setting" | 7.6.7 Schedule "Update Delivery Data" Apex job for PreInvoices | ||
Media Configuration | Customize Campaign Items to your Media Campaign. | Administration Setting | |||
Net Calculator | Net Calculator | You can use this calculator to optimize your campaigns. | Field Set at object Campaign Item | ||
Package Manager | Package Manager | This wizard helps to create pre-defined Packages. | Record at object "Feature Setting" | ||
PDF Documents | PDF Documents | Records at object "Quote Preference" and "Invoice Preference", Administration Settings | |||
Publisher Payout | Publisher Payout | Creation of Media Campaigns to allow the Payout of your Publishers. | Records at object "Feature Setting" | ||
Sort Campaign Items | Sort Campaign Items | User Settings | |||
Synchronize SObject to SObject | Sales Cloud Connector | Sync KPI's from Salesforce Opportunities to Media Campaign | Install Extension | 8.10.1 Setup Sync Media Campaigns to Sales Cloud Opportunities | |
Third Party Commission Wizard | Third Party Commission Wizard | Easy payout for intermediary. | Records at object "Feature Setting" | Feature Name = Third Party Commission Wizard | |
VAT | VAT | Steer the VAT Calculation in ADvendio. | Setup → Custom Settings → "VAT" |