/ Exclusions of Targeting Values Exclusions of Targeting Values

1. Select single criteria for include/exclude

This is available for versions ADvendio Spring 2019 (2.111) and higher

You can use the selection to decide, if you want to include or exclude certain targeting criteria. For more information, take a look at: How to exclude Targeting Criteria

2. Exclude targeting categories as whole

The goal of targeting is to address a specific audience. You can do that by listing who should receive the ad but also by excluding who should NOT be seeing it. As many ADservers also offer this feature you can exclude values from the targeting audience. Here is how you do it:

Open the media configurator and navigate to the targeting tab you like to use the exclusion on. Here an example how to exclude the two countries Afghanistan and Congo:

The following targeting value can be used with the excluded function if you check the flag:

  • Bandwidths
  • Browsers
  • Cities
  • Countries
  • DeviceCapabilities
  • DeviceCategories
  • OperatingSystems
  • Regions

Here are the API names of the campaign item fields that your administrator needs to display in the media campaign tabs:


Learn how to 7.2.2 Setup Media Configuration.

You can not combine including and excluding values for one targeting type.

Filter by label

There are no items with the selected labels at this time.

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