/ [Integration Overview] DV360 (Google Display & Video 360) [Integration Overview] DV360 (Google Display & Video 360)

ADvendio Edition

ADvendio ONE

Available with Version


External Systems

Google Display & Video 360 (DV360)

Who will benefit from this integration?

Google Display & Video 360 is a DSP (Demand Site Platform) for Advertisers, Agencies and Publishers. 

What is required to use the integration?

As a Media Buying AdServer integration, Google Display&Video 360 is covered by an ADvendio ONE license.

If you are not a customer of ADvendio Connect yet and are interested in using our Google Ads integration, please contact your Technical Account Manager or our Customer Success Team, for more information.

How to set up and use the integration?


Connecting Salesforce Accounts to DV360

To link Salesforce accounts with Google Display & Video 360 (DV360), it's important to perform advertiser account mapping. For a detailed guide on how to map these accounts, refer to Chapter https://advendio.atlassian.net/wiki/spaces/SO/pages/256508067

Set up DV360 connection, create Buying Order and Buying Item

To set up and use the integration, to purchase media through DV360 using ADvendio's features for Buying Orders, follow these key configurations:

To update picklist field values in your Salesforce Setup to align with ADvendio's requirements.



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