4.20.8 [Validations and Error messages] in Campaign Builder


When managing campaigns through our Campaign Builder, users may come across validation errors that are essential in ensuring accurate data input to system requirements. Each error message is designed to highlight a specific issue, providing users with insights into the encountered problem and guiding them towards effective solutions. These messages play an important role in maintaining the integrity of the data and ensuring that the system functions properly.

Current validations in the Campaign Builder:

Error Message



Error Message



From date is in the past!

The entered From Date value occurred before the current date.

Please choose from the list of available dates, both current and future.

Until date has to be after from date!

It seems that the "Until (Date)" field comes before the information given in the "From (Date)" field.

To avoid a validation error, select a date for the "Until (Date) field that comes on or after the date provided in the From (Date).

Until date is in the past!

It seems that the date entered in the "Until (Date)" field is a past date, which means it occurred before the current date.

For "Until (Date)" Please choose from the list of available dates, both current and future.

Required field missing: Quantity

The field "Quantity" is mandatory, but there is no data entered in it.

Please ensure that you enter a quantity value that is greater than zero in the "Quantity" field to avoid this validation error. Please input the required information in this field.

When a field that has been defined by ADvendio__TabItemDefinition__c is marked as required in the Tab Rules.

Field value is required but is missing.

In order to save the record, the field needs to be filled in. Please ensure that the field is not left empty before saving the record.