4.20.8 [Validations and Error messages] in Campaign Builder

4.20.8 [Validations and Error messages] in Campaign Builder


When managing campaigns through our Campaign Builder, users may come across validation errors that are essential in ensuring accurate data input to system requirements. Each error message is designed to highlight a specific issue, providing users with insights into the encountered problem and guiding them towards effective solutions. These messages play an important role in maintaining the integrity of the data and ensuring that the system functions properly.

Current validations in the Campaign Builder:

Error Message



Error Message



From date is in the past!

The entered From Date value occurred before the current date.

Please choose from the list of available dates, both current and future.

Until date has to be after from date!

It seems that the "Until (Date)" field comes before the information given in the "From (Date)" field.

To avoid a validation error, select a date for the "Until (Date) field that comes on or after the date provided in the From (Date).

Until date is in the past!

It seems that the date entered in the "Until (Date)" field is a past date, which means it occurred before the current date.

For "Until (Date)" Please choose from the list of available dates, both current and future.

From (Date) is invalid

The selected From Date is not within the validity of the Ad Price in the selected Ad Spec.

Review the selected Ad Price and pick a valid From Date.

There is also an option to remove these validations in case it does not fit your way of working. If so please contact your Administrator with a reference to this Wiki page: Feature Setting to disable Ad Price Validation

Until (Date) is invalid

The selected Until Date is not within the validity of the Ad Price in the selected Ad Spec.

Review the selected Ad Price and pick a valid Until Date.

There is also an option to remove these validations in case it does not fit your way of working. If so please contact your Administrator with a reference to this Wiki page: Feature Setting to disable Ad Price Validation

When a field that has been defined by ADvendio__TabItemDefinition__c is marked as required in the Tab Rules.

Field value is required but is missing.

In order to save the record, the field needs to be filled in. Please ensure that the field is not left empty before saving the record.

Availability check finishes with: Process didn’t finish.

We implemented a message into Campaign Builder which is thrown in case the availability check takes longer than we set to wait for it. Ideal scenario is that this never happens but if it does we have for now implemented a feature setting to change the relevant values and wait even longer. Consider reaching out to our support team in case this happens to you.

Please be careful when changing the values below. If you are not sure what to do after the error was shown please reach out to support.

  • A new Feature Setting can be added to control the retry behavior when checking availability in Campaign Builder. It allows configuration of delay intervals and maximum retry attempts while requesting updates on the Check Availability process for digital items.

  • Name: CheckAvailabilityConfiguration

  • Feature Name: CheckAvailabilityLWC

  • Value: JSON format containing below: (default values: see below)

{     "delay": 3000,     "retries": 50   }


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