Setting the Xandr Pacing Feaure in ADvendio
The Pacing feature in Xandr is used to control the delivery rate of ads within a campaign to ensure the allocated budget or impressions are utilized effectively over a specific time frame. It helps advertisers align ad delivery with their goals, such as spreading impressions evenly, hitting daily or hourly targets, or ramping up delivery at specific times.
Once ADvendio version 2.173 is installed, the new Pacing tab will appear in the Buying Item edit section. This component already contains all the necessary fields, thus there’s no need to manually add them.
This is what the feature looks like in the Xandr platform:
The user can select between two options: “Pacing Percent” and “Daily Budget”.
The Pacing Percent represents the percentage of the planned delivery (e.g., impressions or budget) that the system should aim to deliver over a specific time frame. Advertisers can set the pacing percentage to a value above or below 100%, depending on their goals.
If a campaign has a pacing percent set at 120%, it will deliver 20% more impressions or spend than planned during the selected time period. Conversely, a pacing percent of 80% will throttle the delivery to 80% of the planned amount, spreading it more thinly.
The Daily Budget option in Xandr is a key feature used to manage how a campaign's budget is allocated and spent on a daily basis. It ensures that spending is distributed across the campaign's duration in alignment with overall goals, preventing overspending or underutilization of the budget.
A campaign with a total budget of $10,000 running for 10 days can be set with a daily budget of $1,000. This ensures spending is capped at $1,000 each day, regardless of performance.
The Pacing feature in ADvendio is located at the Buying Item level and can be accessed in the Edit section by clicking on the dedicated tab, as shown in the screenshot below:
The component shows three fields:
Pacing: this field allows to choose between Pacing Percent and Daily Budget
Pacing Value: this field determines the numeric value to be used for the pacing
Unit: this read-only field determines the Unit in which the value is expressed (it can be Percent if Pacing Percentage is selected or Impressions if Daily Budget is selected)
After selecting an option from the Pacing menu and entering a pacing value, the Buying Order can be saved by clicking the Save button in the top-right corner. The information will be transmitted to the Xandr platform once the buying order is successfully submitted.