Contending Ads Availability Check for AdButler

Contending Ads Availability Check for AdButler

Available with Version:


Available with Version:



System Administrator; Order Manager - Fulfilment;

External Systems



When planning your Sales Campaigns for AdButler, you also want to see if there are other bookings in AdButler which are contending to your current item and for which Advertisers these are in order to make sure your campaign is not on the same inventory or in the same time frame as certain other important campaigns. Can you view this information when planning your Campaign in ADvendio?


Yes, with the latest updates, you can easily check the Availability of Contending Ad bookings for AdButler:

If you do not see the section for Contending Ads in the ADvendio screen, this means AdButler has returned no results and currently there are no other active campaigns, which are contending to your current booking.

Contending Ads Reporting shows a list of Campaigns booked in AdButler, which are on the same inventory (Zone ID) with the same time frames of the bookings.

Contending Ads Reporting can display:

  • One Contending Ad booking or Several Ads bookings within the same Ad

  • Every forecasted Campaign Item will display:

    • ID

    • Campaign Name

    • Start Date

    • End Date

    • Advertiser Name

    • Zone Name

    • Ads

    • Clicks

    • Impressions

    • CPM


No further setup required