Updating Language Settings in Campaign Builder
Customers may wish to modify the language settings within the Campaign Builder for various purposes, such as renaming tabs or translating fields. This guide explains how to perform these tasks.
Renaming Tabs
To rename tabs in the Campaign Builder:
Navigate to Item Configuration Settings.
Select Tabs and Columns.
Click Edit next to the desired tab.
Enter the new tab name and save your changes.
Translating Fields
If you want to translate specific fields (e.g., Billing Category), follow these steps:
Go to Settings > Translate.
Select the language you want to add translations for.
In the Setup Component section:
Choose Custom Field.
Select the Campaign Item object.
For Aspect, choose Field Label.
Enter the desired translation for the field.
Note: Translating fields will anso modify the field label on Campaign Item object.
Translating Other Fields via Custom Labels
For fields that require custom label translations (e.g., Availability):
Click on the specific field you wish to translate.
Use the Local Translation feature to add a translation by overriding the value with your preferred text.
By following these steps, you can customize the language settings within the Campaign Builder to align with customer preferences and localization needs.