How to create unreserved items in Google Ad Manager

How to create unreserved items in Google Ad Manager


Order Manager - Fulfilment

External Systems

Google Ad Manager


When creating Campaign Items in ADvendio and sending them over to the Google Ad Manager, the default setting is to reserve all inventory.

This means that any Sites / Ad Units you book are blocked for your item and the number of impressions you are booking. For other Campaign Items, see this part of the inventory as not available when checking availability.

There is however also the possibility to send Campaign Items as unreserved to Google Ad Manager.


To do this, the AdServer Status field on the Campaign Item needs to be set to the right status, before submitting your Campaign Item to Google Ad Manager.


How the correct status to select is called, depends on the local configuration. Please ask your System Administrator for more information. We generally recommend calling this status something like unreserved or released.

Is there a way to reserve inventory at a later stage?

If at one point in the future, the inventory should be reserved for the item, this can also be started from ADvendio, by setting the status to active or paused and pushing the ‘Update Ad-Status in AdServer’ button again.


In order to use this feature, there is some configuration needed by the System Administrator.

If the field AdServer Status is not visible on Campaign Item, please check if the needed permissions are part of the user profile and that the field is part of the configured page layout.

Then a mapping needs to be defined for the field. As ADvendio uses the same status field for all integrated systems, our customers can define how they want to call the status selectable in ADvendio and what status this means in the connected systems.

For this specific case, there needs to be a status that maps to the Google Ad Manager status ‘released’


More information on how to define this can be found here:

7.3.4 How to Configure "Update Ad-Status in AdServer" for Campaign Items


Integration specific information - Google AdManger

For Google AdManager, there is some specifics to keep in mind:

  • Status updates for Google AdManager Items might require the Order to be approved first. ADvendio submits orders as not approved per default, please check on how configure those settings here.

  • Google AdManager requires Line Items to have a valid Creative Assigned in order to be activated




When running the status update from ADvendio, results of the process are shown in a result screen and the result email you receive.

Common problems along the way could be:

  • The Ad Id on your Campaign Item is not valid or there is not Line Item with that ID found in the target Third Party Platform

  • The AdServer Status field is using a value, which has not been mapped in the setup (see step above)

  • The target platform has additional validations or limitations for changing the status. E.g. to activate an Item, it needs a Creative assigned

  • If the AdServer Status field on your Campaign Item is empty, the status will NOT be updated in the target third party platform

  • The Update Status is started automatically with Submit to AdServer, If there is a problem during the status update, Campaign Items are usually still created in the target Third Party Platform; you will see the error message of the Status Update in the Message Section, but the Status is marked as 'Created'