/ How to structure your Audience Segments Targeting in Campaign Builder? How to structure your Audience Segments Targeting in Campaign Builder?

Supported AdServers

Google Ad Manager, Xandr, Freewheel, AdsWizz



How to simplify Audience Targeting for sales representatives to enhance the efficiency of setting up parameters for their campaigns to achieve their campaign goals?



Audience Targeting can be a complex process as it offers a wide range of different options. There can be hundreds or even more audience segments, which can be quite intimidating, particularly for sales representatives who are trying to set up the right parameters to achieve their campaign goals. However, with ADvendio's streamlined approach to structuring your data, sales reps can configure audience targeting more efficiently, leading to more successful campaigns.

Configure Targeting Options for Specific Products with AdServer ID Ad Price Assignments

By configuring which targeting options are selectable for specific products through AdServer ID Ad Price Assignments, users can prevent errors and gain a better overview of available options.

Why Configure Targeting Selection?

When setting up Audience Targeting for a Campaign Item in the Media Configuration, you can use assignments to configure which Segments, Keys, or Values are visible to the user. This has two positive effects to gain a better overview by:

  1. Preventing incorrect configurations from being selected.

  2. Limiting the overall number of options for a clearer view.

How to Configure?

You can use our AdServer ID Ad Price Assignment feature for this. Once an assignment Record is created, for the product and 3.5.7 Create Ad Price Connection ID Assignments for Blacklisting/Whitelisting of Targeting Criteria and Key Values for Products


Structure your Audience Segment Tree

This customization might not work with all ADvendio Integrations.

A fully supported package feature is planned for 2024.

However, solution is currently available for Google Ad Manager and Xandr integrations.


Why Structure?

Regarding Key Value Targeting you already have a clear structure where each Key has only a limited section.

For Audience Segments, the situation can be a bit different depending on your AdServer. All items are in a big list or only some separation between first and third-party data. ADvendio offers multiple ways to manually improve this structure, so your Audience Targeting Selection in the Media Configuration becomes much easier and more efficient.


How to Structure?

Right now, there are no ADvendio Wizards to manage the Audience Targeting Structure, so you will have to mass edit Salesforce Records, for example via export and then import again.

There are two things you can change.

1. Create new ‘parent’ Segments.

The import automatically creates a general AdServer ID called AudienceSegment, under which all Audience Segments are grouped as children.

  • You can create additional parent AdServer IDs manually with the following configuration and name them according to your needs:

  • Afterwards, you should go into the AdServer IDs of type “Audience Segment Value” that you want to group and change the field Parent AdServer ID field to your newly created parent segment.

When doing the Audience Targeting for Campaign Items, the structure will look like this:

2. Prevent ADvendio Imports from overwriting your structure

To prevent ADvendio Imports from overwriting your structure, you will need to add a validation to ensure that the new parent structure remains enabled and will not be reverted by the ADvendio Import features. This is particularly important if you have scheduled a recurring Audience Import to keep your Audience Segments up-to-date in ADvendio.

To achieve this, you can follow these steps:

  1. It is necessary to create a custom Checkbox field, which indicates, that this Connection ID has a custom parent. Then on all your Audience Segments with a custom parent, you can set the Checkbox to true.

  1. The next step is to create a validation rule on the Connection ID object. This will prevent any changes to the parent of the connection ID record. You can use the following Error Condition Formula:

    API_NAME_OF_YOUR_CUSTOM_FIELD__c == True && ISCHANGED( ADvendio__Parent_AdServer_ID__c )
  1. After saving and activating the validation rule, your custom structure will remain unchanged when transferring to ADvendio.

Please note, if the validation rule is activated, Transfer to ADvendio will show the Audience Connection IDs with a custom parent as failed uploads. This is because we block updating these records. This could also mean:

All new Audiences will be imported underneath the ‘standard’ parent.